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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Grow hit it on the head. Required "sweat equity" can open a whole host of issues. Payment does not have to be money and with "consideration" you lose this protection. New York Consolidated Laws GENERAL OBLIGATIONS LAW ARTICLE 9: Obligations of Care TITLE 1: Conditions on Real Property § 9-103. No duty to keep premises safe for certain uses; responsibility for acts of such users 1. Except as provided in subdivision two, a. an owner, lessee or occupant of premises, whether or not posted as provided in section 11-2111 of the environmental conservation law, owes no duty to keep the premises safe for entry or use by others for hunting, fishing, organized gleaning as defined in section seventy- one-y of the agriculture and markets law, canoeing, boating, trapping, hiking, cross-country skiing, tobogganing, sledding, speleological activities, horseback riding, bicycle riding, hand gliding, motorized vehicle operation for recreational purposes, snowmobile operation, cutting or gathering of wood for non-commercial purposes or training of dogs, or to give warning of any hazardous condition or use of or structure or activity on such premises to persons entering for such purposes; b. an owner, lessee or occupant of premises who gives permission to another to pursue any such activities upon such premises does not thereby (1) extend any assurance that the premises are safe for such purpose, or (2) constitute the person to whom permission is granted an invitee to whom a duty of care is owed, or (3) assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to person or property caused by any act of persons to whom the permission is granted. c. an owner, lessee or occupant of a farm, as defined in section six hundred seventy-one of the labor law, whether or not posted as provided in section 11-2111 of the environmental conservation law, owes no duty to keep such farm safe for entry or use by a person who enters or remains in or upon such farm without consent or privilege, or to give warning of any hazardous condition or use of or structure or activity on such farm to persons so entering or remaining. This shall not be interpreted, or construed, as a limit on liability for acts of gross negligence in addition to those other acts referred to in subdivision two of this section. 2. This section does not limit the liability which would otherwise exist a. for willful or malicious failure to guard, or to warn against, a dangerous condition, use, structure or activity; or b. for injury suffered in any case where permission to pursue any of the activities enumerated in this section was granted for a consideration other than the consideration, if any, paid to said landowner by the state or federal government, or permission to train dogs was granted for a consideration other than that provided for in section 11- 0925 of the environmental conservation law; or c. for injury caused, by acts of persons to whom permission to pursue any of the activities enumerated in this section was granted, to other persons as to whom the person granting permission, or the owner, lessee or occupant of the premises, owed a duty to keep the premises safe or to warn of danger. 3. Nothing in this section creates a duty of care or ground of liability for injury to person or property.
  2. I do mine two ways. both are cut up the same way. open it up and remove all the small white filaments. not sure exactly what they are (tendon or muscle) then slice it just like you would slice a green bell pepper. I slice mine about 1/4-3/8" thick. If I pickle I normally clean them but don't slice them and place in the freezer. I wait until I get a half dozen or so and then pickle them. In a quart canning jar I place the boiled heart slices(do not over cook, just a whisker pink in the center). I fill 2/3 with white vinegar, 3/4 cup of Balsamic vinegar. 12peppercorns, 8-10 whole cloves of garlic. healthy does of ground black pepper. tablespoon of onion powder and two bay leaves. op off with cold water and place in the fridge. shake up a couple times a week to mix the spices that settle. leave at least a month. then I eat it plain or makes a great sandwich on fresh Italian bread with butter and spicy mustard. If I cook one to just eat, it is cleaned and cut the same way as above and fried in butter and garlic. salt and pepper and mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. Either I missed it or it hasn't been hit on yet. But the ploy to buy votes is obvious. The truly fiscally responsible thing would have been to apply it to our States debt.
  4. I am entitles to it. After all it IS. Or was my money. Lol
  5. I use apple juice. Spay it on my broadheads.....waiting for one to feed on it.
  6. If it makes you feel any better I am sure Belo's taxes cover his own child's costs. Yours goes to pay for the ones that are on welfare.
  7. At his point last year I was shooting one arrow each night from a random spot (distance). Doesn't matter how good the second or third or 30th is during a practice session. This year I am way behind where I was in my schedule last year.
  8. The interactive is a good one. Play with the layers and you can see state and Federal lands. trails, fishing access sites and many useful features.
  9. Doesn't appear I have what you are looking at. do you have to be signed in?
  10. explain that one, please. I can't see a topo option there
  11. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/45415.html make sure that under the layers button at the top you select the WMU to have them shown.
  12. In the pic of the gees. If they were that close you should have just thrown rocks at them...lol
  13. Gander doesn't have 3 people working in the whole store...lol
  14. Hit in right on the nail Doc. No reset and do over button like a video game. Love t see guys take a new person under their wing and show them how it should be done. Having new entrants to hunting getting frustrated and dropping it and having a bad taste in their mouths doesn't help us.
  15. And I do my best to hit or exceed the 70% mark. I would live to see their season moves to 365 a year
  16. it aggravates you the serious hunters kill the biggest deer in September?
  17. Any kids looming into a trade, I would suggest welding. Not just any welding because the market is flooded with sheet metal and structural welders. Pipe welding is a trade that will be sought and paid well for the next 20 years. I have 3 kids in their mid 20s' making six figures.
  18. Did you even read the original post of the thread?
  19. When recruiting I am less concerned about the name of the college or even GPA as I am with applicable internships and a proven record of employment. Show me a kid not working summers, never worked in High School and I am passing. If I have a candidate that is out of school 4 years and has had more than 2 employers, I am passing.
  20. He is resigning. wonder what is about to break to force this to happen?
  21. and much much more for those talented with a ball or a stick. My daughter had a 98.5 average with AP course and some guys she graduated with that were C students got more cash because they played ball. All about the money. Two that I know of had less financial need but got full grants, since their school couldn't give athletic scholarships
  22. I guess if you left the scent can there to use next time and the bear happened to get some on it feet and lay out a scent trail for him or other bears to follow?LOL.... I know they use molasses and bacon grease in Ontario because of just that. they don't expect the bears can eat much of it because it is a smear but it gets on their feet and lays a scent trail for any bear that crosses it's tracks.
  23. take 1.5 ounces out the day of and put it over a heat source. I have used a 1# coffee can as a vessel with a smaller soup can inside suspended over a sterno or candle. ...burn it and get is nice an smokey. Probably he same as honey. Legal to have 1.5 ounces. (6) It is unlawful for any person to possess a field or use more than 1.5 fluid ounces of a liquid scent or lure when hunting bear.
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