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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Isn't always limiting yourself. The pistol I have is more accurate that most shotguns I have shot. Last year I took a coyote out of my stand at 165 yards. Not limiting
  2. You are making the presumption that you will see one to take later. I think that was the guides point. I
  3. I tend to go a bit overboard too. I was just illustrating that the legal minimum really isn't that much.
  4. Hang them high at that point. Remember, a legal posting is 666' Basically if you had a square 10 acre parcel you could legally post it just at the corners and meet the requirements. (at least one on a side and not further than 666')
  5. on properly posted property or unposted, unimproved property?
  6. It is going to sound cruel and heartless but here goes anyway. As a species we have regulated and legislated ourselves into a weaker species with each generation. We are trying to regulate selective evolution out of the natural progression. In a natural state or even years ago before modern medicine and an increasing life expectancy. , people wouldn't be around to pass on conditions. Look at asthma and allergies. Is our environment getting that much worse or are we weaker as a species and just reacting to what has always been. As a side note, I sure wish I could find a bunch of good lead split shot. The stuff nowadays sucks. won't stay on the line and you need to used a much bigger size to accomplish the same thing.
  7. I changed it a bit. That was what I was told by a guide a Ontario bear hunt.
  8. "Don't pass a deer on opening day that you would be happy taking on the last day of the season"
  9. most of the areas along the coast you can.
  10. I se it less of a margin of error issue as an available shot issue. 100 to 150 yards out I might be hesitant to take a quartering to shoulder shot with the 223. I wouldn't think twice with my '06. That shot window can evaporate with a quick turn of the deer and may not present the preferred broadside. So while the "margin for error" term might not fit the best it may limit your available ethical shots. It's a trade off and if you are willing to accept the limitations it will effectively take a deer
  11. I think how easy a property line is known can vary greatly with the type if property without having some type of line marking. Old farm land with hedgerows is one thing but for big woods hunting it could be very easy to wander over a line. IMO.
  12. doesn't it depend on what you are trapping and if it is damaging wildlife? Using a box trap to remove a woodchuck from digging under your deck or in your landscaping is one example.
  13. Did you even read the original post Doc made to start this thread?
  14. I don't share that. Maybe a difference in how I was introduced to it but I really enjoy the hunting with others more than alone. Just something about seeing a kid take there first " " fill in the blank. Something about deer camp with my father, family and friends. I know more and more people that were never exposed to that setting and have only hunted alone of with one buddy. Seems like a dwindling part of the tradition to me.
  15. DON' T BUY IT!!! NO WAY, NO HOW. Better yet, give me their phone number and I will let them know you aren't interested.
  16. Do all you guys south of Poughkeepsie wear skirts...lol.
  17. I saw one at the guy's shop that set up my bow. it was a release that didn't release. it hooked in like a fishinghook and the trigger didn't operate anything, After seeing this I think I might have to order one. Glad it turned out ok for you.
  18. This is my Encore in 308 100 yard target. would have been very nice if I hadn't thrown the one low. Has to be a good fit and feel comfortable with it with any firearm. Also, especially with a pistol, you have to be able to shoot it a lot for practice. \ Good luck. I also carry a 357 during gun season but not as my primary. It is very good out to about 30 yards (open sites) but I feel it would be undergunned to do anything other than finish a deer. IMO
  19. The trees along the property line are painted. Usually a band of a square on the out of property side so it is seen walking in.
  20. Since you don't reload I would look at the reduced recoil loads on the market for the rifle calibers. An encore with a 12-15" barrel, scoped is very very capable in the 100 yard + range. Manages recoil in the calibers Philoshop mentioned would be comfortable to shoot. I haven't had anyone that shot mine (in reduced 308) complain about the recoil. My daughter shoots mine.
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