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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Looking for 30/30 brass and some 308 Win Brass. Crimped primer is fine on the 308 brass, I can remedy that. Let me know what you have and what you have to get. Would be great if you are in WNY area.
  2. TO be honest it really isn't far for me. And this isn't a slam at them but it seems that walking in can get a different answer that a phone call...lol.
  3. running into the same thing, Doc with what I want for reloading. They told me they are having a hard time getting so much in. They said the priorities of component manufactures are Government, and then ammunition manufactures and then to retail. They haven't gotten a shipment of brass in over a year and I have had buddies checking in other states for my bullets and they are nowhere to be found. There is expensive high end 30 cal, but not the ones I use. I have enough to get me through this season but I will probably have to switch loads next year if things don't change. Which reminds me if anyone sees and H4895 in WNY, holler.
  4. I think VJP is agreeing with you. I believe his comments were directed at the posts about the cartridge itself. I haven't seen anyone here say that any of is would notice any difference in the cartridges in our NY hunting rifles.
  5. 25-30' in a stand? Heck most of the thick areas I hunt don't even have trees that high...lol
  6. Have seen a bunch of 6 to 8 point yearlings. couple 4's. Two 2 year old 8's that are just making it outside the ears and, in typical fashion for the property, very small brow tines. Haven't seen a 3 year old yet, but we opted to skip the cameras this year so they could be there.
  7. What does the inside look like?
  8. If you don't sell it. I wanna "borrow" it this season...lol
  9. Have seen it but never knew what it was. Didn't know we had so much stuff up here that could mess you up.
  10. I have enough steaks and loins to get us through deer camp and enough sausages to get us to our next February sausage making.
  11. Doc, Never seen it but have heard of fungi that are bioluminescent in New York. was it a plant?
  12. Pretty rare. Google the medicinal uses that the native Americans used it for.
  13. but this could happen at any time to any of us. Wouldn't it be nice to have an option to know that when you slipped and fell on your way out of the woods on Saturday night, you could confirm the gun was on without losing Sunday hunting?
  14. I guess I don't shoot tourney or leagues enough anymore. Now a days I am a believer in hunting what you practice with and practice what you hunt with. I don't want to practice anything other than that one shot. Too much other stuff can go wrong. Good luck finding it. Have you tried Ebay?
  15. really., It is Indian Pipe. Use to see it in the Daks along trails when backpacking. Seem to always find it on dead and rotting stumps and logs.
  16. Had never heard of it and just read up on it. Interesting. Are you suffering from target panic?
  17. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Shooting-Accessories/Sighting-In/Boresighters%7C/pc/104792580/c/104769180/sc/104570280/i/103924980/Cabelas-Professional-223-Laser-Chamber-Boresighter/1178826.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FN%3D1100224%26WTz_l%3DSBC%253BMM&WTz_l=SBC%3BMM%3Bcat103924980 I actually have one of these with a set to the sleeves for other calibers. It works well for a bore sight and also for confirming that nothing has happened like in transport. I bought it when we drove to Northern Quebec for Caribou. The one I have is a .223 laser. It slides into other caliber sleeves and projects a red beam out of the barrel. one thing I did notice was that depending how the laser is installed or rotated in the other sleeves it will vary your position of the beam slightly. So what I did was use it as a bore sighter. confirmed it on the range by shooting and fine tuned the scope. Then I put the sleeve in and rotated the sleeve and the laser and once I found the spot where it matched my scope, I used a file edge to score the back with a line so now I know when using in my 12 ga slug gun, I can line up the 223 in the 12ga sleeve using the scores and the score are loaded into the gun at 12 o'clock in the chamber. Hope that made sense
  18. do you know to an internal temp, an amount of time or to a texture?
  19. http://www.hi-pointfirearms.com/Hi-Point-carbines/9MM_carbine.html# is this it?
  20. not too young but I never remember hollowpoints that low.
  21. 8 cents a round seems to be about where the market has settled. I can remember buying 22LR for 500/$13
  22. Oh I know the "truth" with 100% certainty. AL is a better business environment that NY. It's business and I can't fault Remington for that.
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