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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. My personal opinion is that is some one enters your home while you are there it isn't a target of opportunity. If they know you are likely there, they know there may likely be a confrontation. There will be no warning shot, not shouting that I have a gun. no noise of the slide racking. The notice that will be given that they messed up and chose the wrong house will be the muzzle flash. and it won't be from a 22.
  2. Elmo. Check your ballistic charts. with a round I would consider minimum for the 243 (95gr) for deer and a 150 gr out of the 30-06. Both have a very similar trajectory and the wind drift effects on the heavier bullet is less.
  3. Let take the simplest route here. I guarantee the cost of your plan went up. You employer may have chosen to eat that which allows your employee contribution to remain unchanged. But it was real cost to them. Money out of their pocket keeps them from doing things(or doing as many as they would have) like raises. Bonuses. Increasing staffing to maintain or reduce workloads.
  4. I don't have a Henry but I have a tube fed Marlin 22. Seems pretty simple to do safely. I lock my bolt back even if it isn't fully empty and load it. with this I would think that opening the action would allow for a very safe reload. If you don't trust yourself or aren't confident in safely operating a weapon, I suggest not buying it.
  5. why would you put your fingers in front of the muzzle to do this?
  6. I figured you wouldn't be up on this because, just like the Safe Act, you don't think it effects you. Trust me Biz, this effects you. If you pay taxes, it effects you.
  7. Welcome. Where in upstate. Can't see that on my phone
  8. Yeah no $hit. Wait til some of them walk through the emergency room door or even their doctors on a high deductible plan.
  9. Get back to us in a couple years. Are your coverage and deductibles the same?
  10. Moog....LIAR!!! You are like a moth to the flame...lol
  11. I wouldn't recommend that. if you used a kisser button or the fletching as a reference I would suggested keeping the reference and repositioning your hand.
  12. There is absolutely nothing wrong with changing an anchor point with a new set up. You could have to change it for many reasons. Change your release., add a D Loop. It is no different than modifying your grip in your bow hand. Changes to shooting form are common for a variety of reasons.
  13. I better not. not sure how to make a PG version of what took place.,,lol. I will just say there were other indiscretions that took place that would probably turn your stomachs more that what you are reading.
  14. right or wrong if it was coming out of my camp it wouldn't have been over the head.
  15. Like NY Antler. I have been a life time member since the 90's. Never got anything to test but have gotten a bunch of crap mailed that they want to sell you. The magazine wasn't too badd back when but it has even gone down hill
  16. Good luck on the purchase. shoot many and really take a look at the used market on a forum like Archerytalk. Good time of year to buy right now.
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