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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Let me try this.... My Hoyt has a small valley and a very hard backwall. I have a 1/2" loop and at full draw the anchor point is in the corner of my mouth. If I put that 3" loop on and draw to my backwall the release is going to be 2-1/2" farther back that before. If you anchor off your release it will make a difference. If you use a kisser button or use a fletching or some other string point for you anchor reference it will not make a difference in the anchor point BUT your drawing hand will be back farther. It depends on your reference point.
  2. simple come a long will be plenty if things like a wheeler can't get there. Mounted on 4 trees it is very very stable. that bridge had about a 3' wide walking surface. cross members were about at 3-4' OC and there were 3 planks running the length of the bridge. spaces were left so some snow would fall through early on.
  3. I don't agree. If you are up high enough it is a non issue. foundations are the weak link. get up like a rope bridge does and it isn't an issue. We had one on property we hunted and it was 4' off the water at the low point of the bridge. It spanned about 75' and after 10 years it was still there the last time we hunted that property.
  4. If you have trees available standing on either side the rope and plank bridge is an easy solution. all above the water so rising water and debris is not an issue.
  5. No worries here Elmo. I meant that the story will have way more details I am sure before it ends. It gets more weird if you can believe that.
  6. I just got some updated information on this that I can't share right now. Let's just say to keep an eye on this one. If you think it sounded freaky before, you ain't seen nothing yet
  7. Well he is fired now so maybe the unemployed dick will get deported...lol
  8. Mike. Get a freaking grip. I wasn't referencing YOU at all in my comment. I was questioning the actual protestors at the event.
  9. I wonder why they don't protest things like an ice fishing derby then? I believe it is because the fish aren't sitting and eating at their bird feeders. I can understand if a person was a vegan and they were against these events. I don't agree but can understand. I wish I could have attended. I would have loved to see how many protesters has leather gloves and boots on
  10. I couldn't help but post on there. Idiots will talk about how terrible this is during dinner as they cut their steak or chicken
  11. Well if you don't get a trade and end up wanting to sell it, PM me a price.
  12. Read the commenters on this petition to stop the Holley Squirrel slam...yes again this year. From the reports I got their efforts to stop it last year made it the biggest it had ever been...lol http://animalpetitions.org/3301/condemn-squirrel-killing-contest/?fb_comment_id=fbc_411031825697658_2066702_415283081939199#f512fff6205606
  13. So it is basically 40 Luppa brass and 15 Speer nickel plated?
  14. I always took mine off as well. Figured it was just one more thing to vibrate or hit against something at a critical moment. I carry a backpack anyways so I opted for a quiver in the back pack. I use the Cat quiver 3-1/2 http://search.3riversarchery.com/buy/quivers/catquivers
  15. Caution on this. Action type and weight of the rifle can have a HUGE on perceived recoil
  16. Wanna take it one step further on the shotguns? how many of these can you place in a standard mag tub of our normal hunting guns with a 3" or 3-1/2" chamber? that could cause issues as well. http://www.gunguyonline.com/product_info.php?cPath=71&products_id=283&osCsid=925974e2c4b6cbc66ba41cfb4e0a8cb5
  17. I wouldn't think twice about using the steel cased ammo in a bolt gun. I have owned both the 223 and 22-250. 223 will be cheaper ammo and fmj practice ammo is available. The 22-250 to me though is a better varmint rifle but less ammo options and higher price.
  18. He thought it was a brookie with those bright orange fins...lol oooops that is blood
  19. right through the front shoulders because I hate cutting them up and trimming ...JK. Heart/lungs is my target.
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