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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. it is more than inconvenience. there will be additional costs too.
  2. so the background checks for ammo and associated costs won't effect you?
  3. Are you freaking kidding me? How do you figure it doesn't effect you?
  4. The hound hunting doesn't do anything for me. I can see a benefit in some area for the spring hunt and the use of bait.
  5. My Stanley keeps my coffee hot all day long. Bout a 5 minute sit with boiling water in it before filling and mine had the pour through top so you don't have to open it all the way us. http://www.shopstanley-pmi.com/product_detail.do?q=7190&promoCode=STNPAYPCWEBMACSS&kw={keyword}&gclid=CK77_IqkxLwCFfM7OgodQxwABA
  6. If it has never been opened I agree. Grow- You may be up against battery corrosion in there. I always take the batteries out of my seasonally used electronics. rangefinder, GPS radios. head lamps.
  7. WNY and Doc. I think you two are the only ones I have seen that can be on the same side of an issue and still get in an argument about who's stance is correct. lol
  8. I have drilled small holes in plugs similar to these before. two hole, not all the way through and used snap ring pliers with one prong into each hole. then twist. Did that make sense? http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&biw=1561&bih=703&tbm=isch&tbnid=dnu2PqMRz3etIM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.automationdirect.com%2Fadc%2FOverview%2FCatalog%2FTools_-a-_Test_Equipment%2FPliers%2C_Stripping_-a-_Crimping_Tools%2FCirclip_(Snap_Ring)_Pliers&docid=xS5sHU5Eq0dNMM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.automationdirect.com%2Fimages%2Foverviews%2Fknipex_pliers_circlip_400.jpg&w=400&h=294&ei=zgT5UsD5I82FyQGm9YDgDg&zoom=1&ved=0COQBEIQcMCY&iact=rc&dur=873&page=3&start=38&ndsp=25
  9. Turkey would be my first adventure using one. Seems lie the perfect weapon for that.
  10. I have not idea and to be honest I am to lazy today to look it up...lol How are the participation number of states that have full inclusion after that amount of time.
  11. I have a 308 win pistol barrel. Sub MOA and a 223 rifle barrel Sub MOA. I am hand loading for both. I never fired factory ammo out of the 308 and the cheap FMJ ammo I put through the 223 didn't do so well.
  12. It isn't a video. I think he is showing you it doesn't change any function. You commented about it jamming but it would only jam if you jammed with a mag anyway. Really no different that how they used to tape 30 rounders together. The tape didn't make them jam either.
  13. It is Specialty Archery. http://www.specialtyarch.com/products-page/peeps/standard-peeps/standard-peeps-316/ultra-lite-45-degree-peep/ http://www.specialtyarch.com/products-page/apertures/aperture-kits/
  14. I'll dig it out tomorrow. Can't think of it.
  15. Mine has 5 different size apertures that screw into the housing of the peep. Screws out and a new one in in seconds
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