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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Mike, I don't think there has been enough transparency about question thee, in the Safe Act. without clearly stating their intentions and use in the law it has many in the gun owning community on guard.
  2. Don't get me wrong, Biz. I am not bashing the Weatherby I was bashing you. Just kidding. But you are so product biased it isn't even funny. I want a first rifle---get a Weatherby. What caliber for my Girlfriends first gun---get a weatherby Is a 243 enough for taking deer---get a Weatherby. What type of crossbow should I get-----I hope Weatherby starts to make one.
  3. I know....Just cant resist to give Biz a shot knowing the WBY will be introduced by him in any thread discussing caliber or guns...lol
  4. Oh that's right. We forgot you had a girly caliber too.
  5. Seems that this is becoming more common with a push to meet demand. http://www.remington.com/en/pages/news-and-resources/safety-center/consumer-product-notification-Remington22-Thunderbolt.aspx
  6. Exactly...everyone knows the Devil is in Snapchat
  7. yeah, yeah. I know the drill. A light colored roof is still cooler than a dark one. Even with ventilation there can be a temperature difference. and when you are off the grid and rely on just windows for cooling, a few degrees can make a huge difference, especially in the loft.
  8. buy her one that you would want...lol. Reduced recoil rounds open up many options but if I had to get one it would be in 7-08
  9. Red. When I got the metal for my camp (we used it on the exterior walls and the roof) we got it from MCBI in Rome. They have a seconds pile, but it doesn't come with a warranty. When they set up to make a run the first sheets that come off in setting up the machines go into this pile. We couldn't find anything wrong with them. We had to play around a bit with their available colors and quantities but we got enough to do our walls in hunter green and the roof in white. We opted for a white roof because cooling for us is a bigger issue than heating. The cost was about half of what a new sheet was. Might be worth a call to them. They also bent the metal we wanted for the trim. The guys are right. the trim cost us more than the metal sheets did. We used the 3' wide profile.
  10. Not if you don't evaluate the data to remove the variable of a hot bore. I count myself a lot luckier than many of you guys. I can be on the range in 10 minutes from my house. Gotta be tough to do this when it turns into a full day adventure.
  11. He was only a member for like what,, three years. Election year ploy. Vote his ass out
  12. My boss leaves for Texas tomorrow to do the helicopter hog hunt on Saturday and Sunday. Sooooo jealous. AR-15, ammo and video included
  13. That is the benefit of the multiple shot groups on a round robin of targets. Each group has the same variance in them.
  14. I was speaking more to your first shots in a cold barrel then following shots in a progressively hotter barrel.
  15. I don't remember reading much about ladder testing that didn't a least recommend using at least 3. 1 or two shots have a lot left to wonder about. Was it the load, wind, poor trigger pull.?
  16. I don't see how you can evaluated with a 1 or 2 shot string. I think it is worth doing more. This is not something you will do often so why not get the best data points you can. If you are going to do all the shots of one weight at a target then move on I think you should duplicate the initial starting condition of the gun in terms of bore cleanliness and temp.
  17. No one is ever going to convince me that there are some of these folks that should not be kept in the gene pool...LOL
  18. I actually did some reading on it when I started loading and found one article that deviated from the normal ladder testing. They actually used separate targets. They were using 5 shots at each powder charge but used a round robin approach to remove better evaluate when things like barrel heat, wind change, barrel fouling took place. For instance, if you are testing 5 powder charges they used 5 targets. a shot from each powder charge was fired at a different target. Then the second round of each powder charge was fired at their corresponding target. This spread the impact of the other variables across all the data sets and still yielded the most useful information about which charge or group of charges yielded the best results.
  19. Lesson #3- "He fired, landed a clear shot to the buck’s neck"
  20. I would bet even the majority of anti hunters would let you get it. They wouldn't want it to lay there and starting to stink next to the kids sand box...lol
  21. Offering more models with the same deal?
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