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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. We will have to see how it pans out legally but I think it is legal. it take and action to keep shooting (removal, turning and re inserting). that is very different that a single feeding device.
  2. I find venison to have a fine window of cooking (two actually) Either medium rare or less for full meat pieces or in a crockpot style and until fully cooked and tender.
  3. Maybe his first focus should be to teach then to read and write and obtain a GED , FIRST. I wonder what the average reading level is of an inmate.
  4. If he got rid of any if the evil features, the mag modification wouldn't be required. Right? Would be no different than any semi auto mag fed rifle.
  5. Actually the low income get a substantial amount of assistance right now. The ones that are truly creamed by this system are the ones in the middle as usual. The ones that make too much for assistance but not enough to be able to just write the check.
  6. No. He is taking the wife to Vegas for her birthday. Priorities are all screwed up. Lol
  7. I lease from Cotton-Hanlon. Deal with Bob all the time. You won't be disappointed. I think we are in our 7th year
  8. I like the Encore. Pistol that gives you many capabilities for calibers. Mine is in 308 win. It is a long barrel (15") but they come different lengths. sub 1" group at 100 yards and softball sized groups at 200
  9. basically any weight bullet fired from a 06 will be fine for deer. Don't worry so much about the weight. In a caliber like that it is more the construction of the bullet. That would be the best attention paid to any deer caliber. I read in you post that you are comfortable shooting at 200 yards. Just a question. Was that bench rest shooting? if the group is good on the bench, stand up and take the same distance shots off hand in any position you are going to use for actual hunting situations. That will be the best practice with your 22 or what ever gun you decide on.
  10. This is what I have. Besides the freezers in the two refrigerators. This sis just for my wild game. Two deer easily and room to spare. I keep it out in my unheated garage and never have had a problem. One this I would suggest to anyone using a freezer that you don't go to all the time. Place a small Tupperware container with a top on it in the freezer filled with ice cubes. It is a perfect indicator that the freezer hasn't lost power at any time. If the cubes are melted and into a chunk you know it has. http://www.sears.com/kenmore-5.1-cu-ft-chest-freezer-white/p-04618502000P?prdNo=1&blockNo=1&blockType=G1
  11. The poop is that is will be a major relocation of jobs. The majority of the workers at the Ilion plant will be let go. Those jobs that are in Alabama are jobs that are currently being done in NY. I give it one more year and the Ilion plant will be shut down.
  12. Personally I believe that is why we don't have a 365 coyote season
  13. It will foul but is no danger. I know a buddy that has done it for years and he shoots 2" groups at 100 yards
  14. 257 Weatherby magnum. Figured I would save him the typing. Lol
  15. I really don't understand this line of thought. Why is it construed that because he does one thing you like, you are in bed with him and supporting him. I personally hope he would give every hunter a $10,000 tax credit right now. I'd buy a new gun, pay some bills and by the new boots I would wear when I walk in and flip the lever for the other guy.
  16. So Doc. What would be a safe set back then? Mile and a half? How about a mandatory 0' set back. That would really be the safest spot, right. If you are standing against it you won't be shooting towards it.lol
  17. We are about a week out on this event and wanted to drop this as a reminder. The morning is free and open to the public. You will have and opportunity there to participate in a raffle with a $250 top prize. Also the our April Banquet tickets will be for sale. March 1st is the deadline for the early bird drawing for the 22 so don't miss out.
  18. I agree that the average guy would not. But if I was in law enforcement I am sure I wouldn't know if the guy was "average" when I went through the door. I have 4 close family members in law enforcement. They all are expecting this. They also told me that would put and assignment like this right up there with answering a domestic dispute call as their least favorite calls. Just because of the unknown factor.
  19. But isn't an option to remove the law and mandate it as a regulation of 500' "unless local government sets it otherwise"? I am shooting in the dark here but it doesn't seem too difficult. we must have other regulations that are not law. I am thinking speed limits. 65 state maximum but local authorities can set what the area requires.
  20. Feel sorry for the LEO's how would you like to be the first one through a door on one of these raids?
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