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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. they didn't but I on the property we lease there are blow downs that have been in leaves for the 6 years we have been there. the trees actually sprouted new limbs and they are growing vertical off the horizontal trunk.
  2. My view. if you want to check me, pull me over. My volunteering information days are over.
  3. Have any of you entertained other options for food source other than plots? This past year we went on an education event and one segment of it focused on property management for whitetail habitat. What I found interesting is what they have gone to instead of putting more food plots in. THey take irregular shaped areas and take every marketable log off it. Then have the skidders and dozers push over the remaining trees. this allows the uprooted trees to live since they still have roots in the ground. This puts the forage that normally 30-50' up at a level on the ground. This also totally opens the canopy and allows the briars and other natural plants to grow. It is a thick nasty tangled mess. But the deer love it and use it as a sanctuary. they don't hunt these areas. just the edges. They have found that by doing this they are putting equal nutrition ,including protein into the deers' diet as if they planted plots. At a cheaper cost and it lasts years. They use irregular shapes. NOT SQUARES. they do this for their plots also becasue of the deers tendency to walk to view around a corner checking for danger. This makes them cover more ground while feeding and increasing the chances of bringing them by your stand.
  4. For our family and friends we cut up or own so it isn't a cost issue. The donation program isn't a cost either at participating cutters
  5. Mike. I thought the mining ref's gave better land to the stae for the ability to mine. THEN the mined land was being turned over tto the state once reclaimed? did I get that wrong?
  6. I think it is ethical to do our best to perform the task at hand. Primarily we are inthe business of herd reduction. If we can do it legally,within the limits set by the DEC and do not waste the venison, I do not see an ethical issue. shoot 'em if you got 'em. I know a lot of folks that love venison and do not hunt. when they have their fill I will donate the rest. Personally I don't quit until the season ends or I run out of tags. (still waiting for the latter to happen..lol)
  7. +1 Belo. there is no way an arrow has more KE than a bullet. I would love to know what you are basing that on Droptine? The two projectiles perform in two totally differnt manners. ans arrow is designed for penetration and a bullet is designed to shed it's energy on or slightly after impact. At my Bowhunter saftey coures many years ago the demonstrated this using a 5 gallon pail of sand. The arrow at 10 yards penetrated the opposite side and the 30-06 bullet never made it out.
  8. go with body characteristics. color variation can be other than age.
  9. The first "special" season you buy get you and either sex tag. The second "special" season you buy get you and entlerless only. so if you buy bow hunting privileges you get the either sex. Then you buy the ML you get the antlerless only. Or the other way around
  10. Doc, my father uses this one. He likes it becasue it is adjustable quickly and no need to adjust teh spread of shooting sticks to adjust height. He aslo uses it out of his blind and on stand becasue it can collapse so far. almost fits in his pack when he isn't using it. http://www.basspro.com/Primos-G2-Trigger-Stick-Mono-Pods/product/1304041553/?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&om_mmc=shopping_googleproductextensions&kpid=1304041553
  11. I had one range instuctor when I was in Scouts and he was an Army Ranger. He showed us all how to utilize the sling on the gun to really help in all the shooting positions if nothing else is available to use as a stabilizer. It has stuck with me and is very useful.
  12. PLUS you can have two doe permits signed over to you = 9
  13. I think that is actually the root cause for many people that dislike the higher power variables. Truth be told the two power IS wiggling just as much as the 9x. we just can't see it..lol. I think the higher power makes me tighten down a bit more.
  14. From the regulations. Discharge of Firearms and BowsFor information on where various legal implements may be used in the state, see Rifle, Shotgun, and Bow Areas. It is illegal to discharge a firearm or bow: so that the load or arrow passes over any part of a public highway, within 500 feet of any school, playground, or an occupied factory or church, within 500 feet of a dwelling, farm building or structure in occupation or use unless you own it, lease it, are an immediate member of the family, an employee, or have the owner's consent. You may hunt waterfowl, over water, within 500 feet of a dwelling or public structure as long as neither are within 500 feet in the direction you are shooting.
  15. the one area awhere I hunt is about a year and a half old. in the Google Eath. But I love having the spring views. you can visible see the deer trails in teh golden rod after the spring melt and before the new growth. I use google earth to put in trail and stand locations using coordinates and have them visible on the pics i print out help guys hunting with me find their way around. .
  16. And that right there is the post of the month...LMFAO
  17. I don't think they open then becasue there just aren't enough deer taken with the during archery to justify it. Now, if they toss in corss bows maybe the count would be up where it is profitable...lol. Sorry had to.
  18. SO I like them mature. I don't hang over 40. lol
  19. What did you do shoot each one 5.33 times...lol
  20. Check on line for available WMU's. Might save you a trip if your area isn't listed
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