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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Have at it. Stack them up like cord wood if you have the tags.
  2. It cost more, but the last time i used them years back you could request it be deboned.
  3. You can't judge all the areas by what your property looks like. they are updates by areas. SOme could be months old while others could be years.
  4. How much property do you actually have? There are other options that are low cost that will provide an equal nutritional benefit to the deer and will provide better cover
  5. I have used Joe's before and was very pleased. They are professional butchers and had an actual butcher shop there the last time I used them. Plus you can buy your other meats while you are there...lol
  6. Best bet is to use his ears and head to estimate rack and point sizes. averages. From center of eye to tip of noes is 8" Base of ear to tip is 6" Ears in alert position are about 16"
  7. Biggest issue with the combos is usually the glass. if you really have issues grouping after trying different loads go fo new glass.
  8. I gotta be honest. I don't think I could keep it together enough to get an arrow away on a deer like that.
  9. They are doing a full body mount so they took it all out through the bung hole.
  10. Here is my issue and I am sure I did not do a good job clearly stating my concerns. I understand statistics. Sat through many a class. My problem is with this process (and I guess it is the process more thant the survey itself) The DEC has openly said that as far as they are concerned AR's are a social issue. SO I can read into that meaning they are willing to make changes or keep things the same to please the most participants (hunters) out there. As Mike said attempt to make it as fair to us. (never gong to please everyone and can't be fair to everyone). So now the DEC will take the results of this study and utilize it in what ever capacity they deem right to change, or not. Do you guys remember how the last survey results were tossed around on this site alone? There were comments that no one anyone on knew participated. I got the feeling from the comments that very few had any faith in the full study and we all know the list of changes made based on it (maybe the AR expansion?). It is a social and being social there are large sections of our hunting poplulation that won't believe it if they aren't included. It will be a set up or any number of other conspiracies. The majority of us are not on sites like this. a large portion aren't following the behind the sceen dealings in preparing and executing things like this survey and they aren't informed. WIthout full participation there are a lot of hunters that won't know anything about this until it is a done deal. How many is large and many. I dont' know but I bet some of you Statisticians out there have a formula for it...lol. I thik NY needs major changes to take a leap forward. I just don't think a sample survey (valid or not) is going to help complete the sales pitch.
  11. If they asked the hunting public a point blank question similiar to The DEC has determined the populaiton of Doves in NY could sustain a monitored and regulated hunting season. Do you support the addition of a Dove hunting season in NY. Yes or no. How do you think the 64% sitting on the fence would lean? If I had been in that poll I would have been in the I don't care portion but I would have also taken a yes stance becasue, who knows, down the road I could have a opportunity to hunt them.
  12. Two totally different results with the two weapons. I won't hunt in the rain with a bow if it is substantial. I will with a gun because I know I can anchor them where they stand with a shoulder shot. No tracking required. I have been on tracking trips for friends to try an recover deer shot with a bow. One this year was a high hit with no exit down low. it started pouring and the blood was gone. even the blood we marked during the tracking was nothing but wet toilet paper with no sign of blood. It wasn't a great shot. Hey it happens even in good weather on bluebird days. but I think these threads, if nothing else give some reading to new bowhunters so they understand the real risks that we run into and gives them more information to base their decissions. on . I don't think you are doing them a service by painting a picture that bowhunting in the pouring rain doesn't come with risks of not recovering. And Ants---hope you find him.
  13. I use a little 30 caliber bullet but throw it out of a 308 winchester casing...lol
  14. I was speaking to the legality of it. Any Centerfire is ok. When you said .38 I took it to mean the caliber not the round .38 special. Sorry.
  15. Just a reminder. Here is where they are available. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/6399.html
  16. Interesting page. http://www.fieldandstream.com/rut-report?src=SOC&dom=fb
  17. He cashed your check and hopefully you have backup paperwork as well. Get the authorities involved right away. That alone may change his tune.
  18. Get better Grow and any of you guys out there, watch yourselves today. Be careful. gonna be a wild ride in a stand today.
  19. That is one benefit of some of the new technology. I can have immediate access to the doppler radar in my stand and assist in making decissions that are right for you.
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