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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Welcome. I guess fromt he picture and your name you are a fan of Hemlock lake as well.
  2. Hey mods, Is there any way to cross reference the wound rate from the other posts for these two rest types?
  3. I usually walk in until this year. with my sciatica problem I have been taking the wheeler to within a few hundred yards of the stand for the evening hunts. In the mornings I just leave A LOT earlier. or I wouldn't make it there by lunch..lol
  4. I many areas there would still be a pretty good harvest rate for 1.5's even with AR's but and here is the big but. I bet the majority of hunters out there could not tell the difference in a 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 if they could not see the head. I am not knocking anyone. Heck I really couldn't until I really started to take advantage of some edumacation...(lol). It is by far not a perfect system but it is probably the easiest for the hunters to utilize. Will it protect the majority of 1.5's? probably no. I know it wouldn't were I hunt out her in WNY. As far as taking the best out of the herd with AR's. That isn't really true. That first rack really isn't a good indicator of the deers potential. There are many other factors that paly a much bigger role in what that deer will have for antlers in the first year. One of the largest factors is if the doe was bred early and if the buck fawn was dropped early. That spike may very well never be the brute that a 1.5 year old will be a 3.5 but there are som many other factors, outside of genetics that dictate that. He is actually a very good article about antler growth potential. http://www.qdma.com/articles/will-he-be-a-good-one-next-year?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Oct+3+Newsletter+-Chestnut+Magic+friends&utm_content=Oct+3+Newsletter+-Chestnut+Magic+friends+CID_80e602c97f4eb8de6fc8c7378e7d3afa&utm_source=Campaign+Monitor&utm_term=Will+He+Be+a+Good+One+Next+Year
  5. Take a look at the doe permit areas of the state. The entire state does NOT have doe hunting and some areas have very limited permits. What do you say to the hunters in those areas? Eat your tags they taste better anyway??
  6. Well on out property we really shoot for a deer that has it's teeth worn to the gum line. If they are just about on the boarder of malnutrition the fat content really drops and is much better for you to eat. You have to put a roast in the crock pot for two weeks to soften it up but there isn't much fat.
  7. any center fire is ok for pistol hunting. And I can think of lots of pistols less that 38 that I would hunt with. and many way better than the 38
  8. What are you shooting for or considering success? 8.5 or 9.5?
  9. I see them eyeing the 300-1000 per pig that the farms get. Simple really--- You can hunt them with just your newly formatted small game license, but every pig must be checked in with DEC and a permit to possess purchased.
  10. Saw a link about a new NY law regarding possession and importing of these pigs. But it appears that the wording may actually make it illegal to hunt them. The link said to keep a lookout for updates from DEC. Leave it up to hose that no nothing about a topic to screw things up more than they are
  11. Becasue you would still be a solid color grey in a silhouette that is NOT natural. The other thing to consider is how you wear any color. a full camo outfitt with a solid BO vest. the deer will not see the BO but they will see a solid lighter grey as you turn. If you are a fidgitter. and always twisting right and left if it was a solid dark grren they would see a 'flashing" of a darker grey. There have been hundred of thousands of deer taken in red plaid wool . think about that. the red is there and very visible. but it isn't a solid field.
  12. I am against mandatory and I do support voluntary and education about QDM principles because there is are benefits to having a more mature structure. BUT I do not believe they are worth the loss of the hunter to choose their own trophy.
  13. What type of BO were you wearing whe you were Picked off?
  14. Sits. Those deer were there prior to AR's . They are taken every year in every WMU. Al teh AR's did was increase the number of them and make them available to those that didn't have the quality land and/or the ability or access to go get them.
  15. I forgot mine at home once on a trip to camp. Old Green wool sock with the toes cut out worked great when slipped over the jacket sleeve.
  16. Cold weather gear is a curse. I have bent elbow and never get string bit but I have had my heavy jacket sleeve get brushed by the string. for the Last 5 years I have a long arm guard I use over my jacket to just keep the loose fabric under control . Best $10 I have ever spent.
  17. I hear that. If it is out of sight I don't believe what I have done until it is at my feet.
  18. The deed would not be the vehicle to accomplish this. The sale could be made contingent on the execution of another contract about the hunting rites.
  19. I actually think the opposite Paula. In this time of year it is common for bucks to range looking for a doe in heat. In that travel they come across bucks they have never encountered. What better way to get a buck in his home turf to get fired up that to intorduce scent of a buck that is not from that area? I have used tarsal glands from out of the area I am hunting with some success.
  20. They can guarantee up to 3.5. After that it is subjective. I can't tell what this buck isn't. 1.5 or 2.5. He comes by me he is getting his jaw checked
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