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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I think early when they are green. Then they will move to corn. I see them late season pawing in old soybean fields
  2. There are a lot of properties especially in western NY and Southern Tier that can grow deer like that. Last year when the property I can hunt had soybeans it was not uncommon to see between 10 and 13 bucks in the field at one time. 4 of them were 120+ caliber bucks
  3. Congrats. Did you keep the jaw bone to get it aged?
  4. I say if the Oniedas have a problem with the team name they should buy the team and change it. If this keeps up I would love to see the team keep the name and change their mascot to a red skinned potato.
  5. Yup...they sit on the sidelines and expect the points to just be GIVEN to them.
  6. I made it out for the first time since the opener. Had to take the wheeler most of the way because my leg is still bothering me. Got in the stand for the last hour. After about 15 minutes I grunted a couple tines and hit the bleat can twice. Before I could even put the can down I had two 4 pointers run in to 20 yards. They stayed there for 20 minutes and sparred with each other. Bumping shoulders and necks and banging racks. Really cool to watch. The next two weeks should really hear things up
  7. But grow,,,,when they have little feet they reallllllllly hope for little hands too so the situation does not APPEAR so bad
  8. If I don't get my stuffer and recipe book back in short order you will be using them to make your sausage again....lol
  9. That isn't the end of the world. Make one and shoot it. If you really want to add weight up front without changing your set up you can go this route. http://www.3riversarchery.com/grizzlystik+brass+weight+system_iSPW020X_baseitem.html
  10. That is the biggest problem with the written word and forums. You can't read the tone of someones comment.
  11. I would actually see this in the same context of "I woulldn't keep posting pictures with bait in them will get you in trouble beyond getting your chops busted on a furum" I didn't read a threat. Actually sounded like advice.
  12. A 3 " vane will be about the same grains as the Blazers. 4" could go up in weight around 10 gr or more. I would use the Blazers if it were me. I think they are more durable IMO
  13. Perfect place to start. good rule of thumb is between 7% - 15% FOC. usually 10 is the target for initial set up. and up or down from there. You should be fine.
  14. light vaes may actually be the way to go in order to keep the weight forward ration correct. What is your numbers for weight forward before you fletch it?
  15. It's been a while. maybe that is the reason the natives are restless
  16. I can't really tell from the pictures but it is usually prettry fool proof if you can see any nail marks at the front of the print , it is canine. Cats have retractable claws and aren't out while walking.
  17. For some reason the item isn't availabe from them anymore... Try this one. Same thing, different label. This is the one I have but mine doesn't have the shell holders. Would be a nice feature. http://www.basspro.com/RedHead-Deluxe-Hand-Warmer-Shell-Belt/product/81322/?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&om_mmc=shopping_googleproductextensions&kpid=81322
  18. I saw the same story. They are all crooks on the take. We really need term limits but how do you get the ones that it would limit to propose and pass it?
  19. Well theere you have it. That is why you stick out up here. Gotta have a gun rack. Even if it is only fishing season it is a perfect place the carry the rods. Plus the soft sided cases are usually too small for us to display the high capacity mags....
  20. Just find the BMW with the gun rack in the window carrying a Wheatherby....lol Can't be very many of those.
  21. Just kicked the can a bit further downthe road. Without major fiscal changes (which neither side has the stomach to make), the Dollar will continue it's down hill slide, The market bubble will be one pop away from a crisis that will make the 2008 housing collapse look like a picnic inthe park. We just keep printing money and incurring more debt. It has to break down, and it will. It is just a question of when. They continue to play with numbers like the "falling" unemployment(which is a farse) to appease the masses. If you really want to understand the lines of $hit they are feeding us., reseasrch how that numebr is really arrived at. There are far more people out of work and this recent stroll down the socialized medicine lane will prove to be a big burden on those of us that actually contribute. I know of two companies that are moving their staffing to 29 hour weeks to avoid the law. They will be employing more people but are cutting hours. I know Romney got crusified for his 47% comment but it is a pretty factual number. almost half of the country on some form of assisatance. 1 in 7 on food stamps. Just like these programs, Obama care has costs and those will not be born buy the employers. Every cost to companies, whether they make cars or Oreo cookies pass their costs through to the consumer. so we end up paying higher costs. The ones that believe they are getting their insurance for free will actually see their standard of living go down as well. Becasue their fixed dollars will buy less becasue of the inflated costs of products. It is somple math and the numbers don't lie. Just makes me mad seeing they elected clown on the news patting themselves ont he back like they really did something good.
  22. You are pretty safe Biz. Upstaters are unlikely to go slumming down state.
  23. Come on Virgil....get it right. It was plural...lol
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