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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Let me make another suggestion so you don't burn you regular season buck tag. Go buy a ML license and get that tag. It is good for Bow or ML assuming you pruchased both licenses. That will give you an antlerless only tag to use during bow as well down there. then you can still take two more deer down there
  2. I just have younger fingers so I type faster...lol
  3. They are all tough guys 'til the big boy on the block shows up...lol
  4. Not to sound like a jerk but the math and physics do not lie. That small of an angle would make no difference. I would sooner think it was a misjudged distance or shooter error. what pin were you using and where did you hold?
  5. I have one pin but my sight is adjustable with graduations in 10 yard incriments out to 60 yards. Depending on the treestand I am in, I hunt mostly thick cover I keep it set at 20 yards. If the perfect shot is presented at a longer range and I have a calm target and can range it I slide the rest up to the yardage and make the shot. Sunday night I had a feeding doe walk out in the open field and stopped in the shooting lane. ranged fer at 46 yards. adjusted the sight and made the shot. adjustment is easy and just takes a finger to slide it.
  6. http://www.amazon.com/The-Vanderbilt-Complete-Book-Etiquette/dp/0385413424 Huh. I looked the the index. Not one chapter on having to invite a guy over in order to get $hit back they borrowed. I guess I goota send Amy an email and let her know the book in not complete...lol
  7. Yeah. it is very good. Let me know if he gives it to you . maybe I would stand a better chance to get it from you.
  8. Have you been answering all along from a reference point of being on the ground?
  9. I think you do need a major change to turn your luck around. ...as in dump the biotch.
  10. Tongue in chee----k at that distance I would think staring down theh shaft at full draw would be better than guessing
  11. I guarantee if you aim high with a 20 yard pin in a modern bow you will be high at 3-5 yards.
  12. I went fishing back in the 90's with a couple old timers on the St. Lawrence for eyes and they did the same thing. used them to tip brown bucktail jigs. I had never seen it but had used pig liver strips for bullhead bait.
  13. The difference between line of sigt distance and true horizontal distance is greater making the difference more but the amount our set ups drop in those short yardages are very small so the differences are less. if you ar 15' up and the deer is 15' away (45 degree angle) there is a 2 yard difference between line of sight(7 yuards) and horizontal distance.(5 yards) . If you are using a 20 yard pin just aim a tad low. Like I said before shooting form. Oh and anatomy. we practice so much on 2 D atrgets and even the 3D's have the vital rings on the surface of the sides. works great for level on the ground shooting but envision where those inside organs are at the steep angles. If the deer is 5' from the tree what do you think the chances are of hitting a double lung? If you practice from an elevated place think about where the broad head passed through and not about that vital ting on the surface.
  14. Good luck. Few thing make life a bigger pain in the arse as bad neighbors.
  15. Nothing beats practice at those angles though. I think poor form at those angles accounts for more misses than the physics and math behind them. Only way to improve the form is through practice.
  16. To make it simple lets say you have a sight pin for every yard from 0 to 40. In your scenario you are 15' vertical and the LINE OF SIGHT distance is 30 yards (90'). The horizontal distance to the target is about 88.5' (29.5 Yards). so basically put your 30 yard pin on and squeeze. (unless you are shooting a bow where it drops like a rock at 30 yards). The angles play a bigger role at the steeper angles or shorter distances. That is why the ARC range finders have become so popular. it calculates the true horizontal distance to the target, and that is the pin you use.
  17. For practical purposes at the same distance and same angle the amount you are shooting high will be the same uphill as down hill. So Irish- if you were in your treestand how high would your bow shoot at 30 yards? It will be the same for uphill of 15'
  18. Is the plot on a hill that steep? Got lucky getting the seed to take without washing away...lol. 3.5
  19. OK. Here are two. with the Goat and without. Not growing it this year. Too much damn grey.
  20. Is the stand on the property line or right in you property?
  21. Had it happen to me before too. I hate cluing them into to me being there but unless you are gonna sleep inthe stand there is no choice. I will stay until it is black and quietly get out fo the stand and hope they spook with me onthe ground and not getting out of the stand. Not much you can do. Might want to let that stand rest a bit though.
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