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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. we have 10 already easy...not counting drifting. I have had enough too
  2. Back home in central NY the game of choice was pitch. I never even heard of euchre until I moved to Rochester. since I have guys coming to camp from both areas the game changes based on what they are use to...lol Look up Farkle...a 6 dice game that is very easy and really tests who has teh biggest set to keep going to win. we throw in a buck a guy and with 6 guys taks about a half hour to finish a game.....and if any LOE's are looking a buck is a male deer ...not a dollar
  3. Well they may realize soon enough that even protected actions, such as their free speech, can still have consequences. This has added a college to my list to review while considering resumes for candidates. It is also free speech to post a pic of yourself on Facebook with a bong stuck up against your mouth, but I am not hiring you. they are free to voice they views in what ever rude manner they wish...I am free to consider it unacceptable,a character flaw and a basis for not considering them.
  4. I think is was very distasteful what the students did. It does not matter the view of their position on the ROTC. This was a member of our military and was wounded in the line of duty. He deserved the respect to make his presentation. I have family members that served and whether or not I agreed with the curret deployment or a policy of the military I could not act like that and then look them in the eyes. Besides the fact that my Father would have taken a baseball bat to me if he had ever found out.
  5. LOL.... well it started out as an assessment of Ilslam---then to a comparison to other religions...thent he liberal view of it all...then questioning the education value of the system for forstering and pusing certain views...then a slide into the Constitution and it's application and modification...then back to education...then a few sidelines into government encroachment and that led to tax issues....couple more pages and it will hit Islam again....OH SHit ...wait...was that this thread or the other 12 that are running now
  6. I understand what you are saying, Doe. why don't they just legislate them out of existence then? I can't imagine NY gets much lobby money if they lobbed a 5-6 buck tax on them...lol, but I am sure it is there some where.
  7. Hey Burt...I thinkk most of it has been kept ont he Political discussion section. If there are a few off of it oen of the guys could easily move them. It will get better as soon as May 1st rolls around... ..It has been a long winter and cabin fever is running rampant
  8. Let me know when that is going to happen...I want to start to logbby for AR's what measurement are we going to use for a minimum hunter? Be nice!!
  9. Mixed feeling on tobacco topic. Smoking is not a constitutionally protected right. if the Govt deemed it a public health risk they should pass legislation on it. We both know they won't. States like NY have a higher vested interest to maintain smoking than the companies do. If I can go into a store in SC and buy smokes for $3 a pack and then come to NY and pay$ 9.50, who has the vested interest...lol If we take that route with tobacco we have to be prepared to apply the same principle to all aspects of our lives. A part of my job is personnel...so I can't help myself either. a policy must be inforced evenly and without prejudice. tobacco does kill many. how about alcohol...cars capable of driving over 65..on and on....what ever standard we set we should be prepared to apply it across the board and while you probably don't smoke a time may come that the same principle is apply to an aspet of your life. Did I make sense?
  10. I agree an organized state religion shoudl not happen and everyone should have the opportunity to worship as they wish as long as it is lawful and does not infringe on others rights. but the beliefs and views of the religions that the peopl practice ARE an influence on their political leanings. I wish you could explain how that is not true, if you think that. Say a persons religious views really focused on the taking care of te poor and their fimiliy devouted a lot of time to that cause. I would think that many who shared that view would be in favor of some form of public assistance for the poor. it is a family value and a religious belief that spill into a political leaning. do they fall in line with every view of one party or another? Probably not. But in a 2 party system you choose based on how that scale tips for you. what party supports the highest quantity of topic as you hold dear? It really would be the same process if it were a 20 party system. Just my take, but how I see it
  11. Not sure Wolly...but that button looks like he has a bullet hole behind the ear . I am bummed. the snow was just gettign down to where I could have started looking in some on my areas....but they are calling for 6-10 today. UNCLE!!!!!---I have had enough
  12. I woulnd't trade it for anything. The only regret I have is that my finances didn't allow me to do it earlier. (should have made the wife get a full time job...LOL)
  13. You would agree that it is a slippery slope, though, right? I agree it is a valid reality. Politics and religion are not empirical persuits such as true science. Politics and religion have a basis in each individual's experience, belifefs and values. by nature we will lean towards a political group or candidate that share( or at least says they do) those in common with us. Same is true with religion. and they spill into each other becasue of common beliefs and those same values. There is no practical wasy to totally separate the two. There really doesn't have to be IF we are guided by what the founding fathers set forth. Our Constitution and founding documents were set up to limit any radical views (political or religious) that might try to find their way in. We just have to stay between the lines and address any instance on it's individual merits within those boundries.
  14. Until 5 years ago I never had a true deer camp. I grew up hunting with my father, uncles and cousins, along with a few guy that were my uncles' friends. They hunted out of an old logging camp un in the Forestpot area. I have heard all the stories. so many times I feel like I was there. We are trying to do this with our new camp as well. me, my father. my uncle and cousing and some close friends of mine. My father and I hold the lease but we have started some of our own tradidtions up there. It was something my Father has always wanted to have and now we do. We have some fun/work weekends during off season. Then Dad and I throw a big summer party for all the guys who helped. That party is something everyone looks forward to. Venison hind quartes on a spit. tenderloins on the smoker, chicken halves on teh grill and roasted corn on the cob (shhhhh----and a half of beer) Stories...card games. bustin chops. We also have been taking the entire opening week off and hunting out of camp. I have more and better deer right at my house but the camp is where it is at. fire in the stove, propane lights and the fact that no one can remember seeing dark like it is up there at night...lol
  15. Now that I couldn't disagree with more. Ones religious foundations contributes to and in many cases form their beliefs , positions and convictions, both of which are important in any political discussion or evaluation. (such as evaluating a candidate)
  16. I thoroughly understand that. And I would like for them to not have to exist to balance the other side. If we follwed a strict interpretation of our founding documents and went at any changes in the correct way, the country would be a much better place.
  17. It is hard to defend, but it is their right. I would love to exercise my right too, to get in their face and let the kids know what I think of them. I am pretty sure Columbia is private but just how private and how much federal money ends up trickling into there. In my perfect picture of a world Columbia has ever right as a private University to say they do not want ROTC in there. The Feds also have the right to not allow any student aid that is Federal to be used there. No low interest loans. no grants. nada. if they qualify then they can get the monety as long as they use it at a participating University. After all no one is saying they all have to join, but that takes away the option for any that might want to. ROTC is a great program and offers some great benefits to some who might not be able to attend college otherwise
  18. Virgil, There is nothing that would make me happier than to find out you are right about them not wanting to do an end around on the Constitution. I just can't seem to bring myself to trust our elected officials given their past track record (and I am talking both sides) They seem self serving and given our current election set up are too beholding to special interests. You can't serve two masters and when you are looking out for the donors you can't whatch out for the American people.
  19. Made me really scratch my head too. say you just squeak by on the required components and do get failing grades on the non required ones...like homework and quizzes. you can fail. What really bothers me about the whole system is the kids that bust their butts and excel the first time, They end up with more competition when it comes to moving on in life and it just doesn't seem right
  20. Or lack there of And no disrespect intended Virgil, but I have come in contact professionally with many people with masters degrees and many have come across lacking. While the education is important, there are so many aspects that really make a person shine professioinally and personally...Ethics....hard work and common sense. Paper really doesn't mean much to me...the person does though. As long as we are on education...this just came up in a conversation with my daughter. Luckily I have never had to worry about this type of thing with her because....well....she is brilliant ;D . In her classes. there are required components of the class and then the non required. If a student does not complete a required component they get an incomplete and must complete it. made sense to me. Here is where it gets crazy. If a test is a required component and the student fails it they have to keep taking the test until they pass it of the incomplete stays. WHAT? ??? ? If you have 1 incomplete you can not participate in sports....if you have one F you can. My head was ready to explode.....No child left behind.
  21. I priced them too Eddie. That is who I was going with until this Cablea's sale and free shipping. I still may get an electronic scale from them once I figure out which one I want. They seem to be better priced on them
  22. Depending on what you want close but not there. about 15%. I want to support local but I have a budget. I will be getting all my supplies through them but I wan the Lee classic turret press and now Cabels's is the best deal I can find now. throw in 2 sets of carbide dies and an extra 4 hole mount and i am over the 150 for free shipping
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