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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. If, when you bought your license and you asked to contribute and one of the following happened please let me know here. I am trying to put some data together. 1- Were not asked to contribute and didn't contribute 2- Were not asked to contribute and the licensing agent knew nothing about this, but was able to find the donation spot and I contributed 3- Were not asked to contribute, the licensing agent knew nothing about this and they could not find a spot in the system to let me contribute. If you experience was other than those 3 please post it.
  2. I passed Matt one name of a guy that reached out to me just south of Albany.
  3. First class is tonight, followed buy another class and range day on Saturday. Final class size of 8. Snacks for tonight, venison bologna, venison pepperoni, venison sausage with cheese and jalapenos. Served with cheese, crackers and fruit. Venison Hotdogs on Saturday. If they don't learn anything, they will at least eat well...lol
  4. good idea to use up zucchini that gets over grown on you. They always seem to com in more than you can eat or give away. Take the big ones. cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seed and mushy layer. slice up in pickle spear sizes to fit your jars. use pickle crisp and pickle with you favorite pickle brine recipe. makes a great pickle.
  5. I've seen plenty of farmers fertilize once it's growing. Corn especially. I also do it to my lawn every year...lol
  6. I've got the 25 and love it. http://www.allamericancanner.com/All-American-Pressure-Canners.htm
  7. anything in acidic brine like pickles that isn't meat or eggs can be done in a water bath. Meat, eggs and non-acidic is a whole other level. That requires a pressure canner. boiling water cant reach the temps needed to kill off the nasties.
  8. Even with an acidic brine use caution while canning meat and eggs. Stored in the fridge they do well. if you are really "canning" them do some research.
  9. Thought I would update this thread even though it is old. That way if someone wanted to see how the limbs looked before they could. I didn't want the high gloss limbs since I was hunting with the recurve only this year. So I put the 400 grit paper to them and did a camo paint hydro dip. first limb had a bit too much texture becasue I think I put too much paint in the tub. The second one was much smoother. Going to hit them with some fine sand paper and then put on a clear matte finish.
  10. I hope everyone's preparations for the upcoming season are going well. Personally, it seems like I never leave myself enough time to do all that I want to getting ready. With the season approaching and folks buying their licenses,I wanted to remind everyone about the Venison Donation Coalition. As many of you may remember from last year, the NY branches of QDMA, our branch included, contributed to the Venison Donation Coalition. This is a not for profit organization that pays participating processors to cut up deer, donated by hunters. The meat is then utilized by food pantries, shelters and other service providers that feed those in need. I am very happy to say that the State branches raised over $6,000 for the VDC and our branch was responsible for over $3,200 of that total. This was a combination of a Go Fund Me drive and a $1,000 branch donation. Since increasing of shared venison meals is one of our National missions in the 5 year plan, we will be doing the same thing again this year. The branch will match up to $1,000 raised in this year's Go Fund Me campaign. . https://www.gofundme.com/f/2019-grst-qdma-feeding-those-in-need Please consider making a contribution and pass this link around. I would like to see us beat our contribution from last year. There are 4 ways you can contribute to this Not For Profit organization. Directly Through our Go Fund Me link above When you buy your license form an issuing agent, Remind them about it. Either buying your license online or through the toll free phone number. Most of the agents are not trained to ask the question and that is the largest missed opportunity of the process. Any amount will help in the effort not matter which avenue you use to donate. This money does not go to NY State. Thank you and have a safe and productive season.
  11. Check out the Venison Donation Coalition website. They keep a list of processors that are involved in the program. Pretty good resource if your nee a processor to cut them up. Albany are a light on the map of processors. http://venisondonation.com/find-a-processor/
  12. Just wanted to give this a bump for anyone that hasn't bought their licenses already.
  13. Happy Birthday Larry, I hope you find something to do that makes you feel young again. I know that would have to be a BIG "something" but try anyway..lol
  14. Looks like we have our 8 participants this year. The first class room instruction is next Wednesday the 21st followed by a combination class and range day on Saturday the 24th of August. Different than last year there are more males than females and the age range is from 19-50. I'll be posting throughout the program and we have picked up an additional 4 mentors since last year. Moog actually will be mentoring this year so my public shaming did work. Who said peer pressure is a bad thing...lol. Honestly I am glad to have him involved (Thank you Brian) and the other 3 we picked up are wonderful folks with a ton of hunting experience too. Word is spreading. Keep an eye on this thread for updates along the way.
  15. I am incredibly right handed but I can honestly say that hockey is one thing I do equally well with both hands. equally TERRIBLE, but equal.
  16. Let me ask you. Is it illegal? Where he is, is it illegal?
  17. How about $120 on the Omega $80 on the Jansport $80 on the tent. If you take all 3 $250 All are in perfect condition
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