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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. We are starting a HuntingNY bettign parlor. The over under on WNY's number of tickets by December 1st is 3. lol
  2. Quality Whitetail through QDMA, NY Outdoor News, American hunter. I've dumped all the rest.
  3. I really want a super stacked SCOTUS (With Roberts gone as well) The 2nd Amendment was not intended to be a restriction on the peoples right to arms. It was a clarification restricting the Government.
  4. All I have is a visual of Bir-R-OWorld SR running around the yard holding the target and you shooting like William Tell at him on the move.
  5. and those that carried compounds weren't called archers either.
  6. I wish I could still find the page. They tested crimping rollers of different configurations and the roller with fins straight across the roller performed better than the spiral pattern so many are using now. The down side was a vibrating ride at higher speeds. The spiral has the same amount of fins in contact with the ground all the time so it doesn't "bounce" like the straight fins will. For ease of fabrication I think I'll go with straight. I think I am going to use 18" diameter pipe and go with plate and welded ends. I can then fill with water for weight and drain to move and for when it freezes. At 5' wide it would be almost 53 gallons, (440#) not counting the weight of the frame and roller. That should work even if we needed to run it over twice.
  7. I know that face. lol I gave it to my father and two best men at my wedding.
  8. in 2017, NY had 292 total homicides by firearms. Depending on the year you look at the deaths due to vehicle accidents is between 1,100 and 1,200. National analysis assert that 14% of all vehicle deaths are a result of cell phone use by the driver. So you could attribute in NY that between 154 and 168 deaths are a direct result of cell phone use by the driver and that doesn't track those distracted using a cell phone and get hit by a car/driver NOT using a cell phone. Pedestrian on a phone as an example. That is better than half the number so you point would sure be valid if you added in drugs. (even prescription drugs)
  9. Did a little reading during a VERY boring conference call...lol. Many are saying the target dates of September 1-15 would be good for Winter wheat.
  10. we could spread winter wheat this fall and then crimp. https://www.sare.org/Learning-Center/Books/Managing-Cover-Crops-Profitably-3rd-Edition/Text-Version/Nonlegume-Cover-Crops/Winter-Wheat
  11. it won't work the same. The "fins" on a crimper roller are there to crush the stalk of the plant so that the plant cant transfer nutrients and water and dies. the cultipacker pretty much would be like using a smooth lawn roller.
  12. I believe they can take either sex as TF and Virgil said. BUT. I think that is only a valid option for ONE deer. They can't take two deer on that weekend. 1 deer and 1 bear.
  13. I've gotten pretty fond of surplus office chairs
  14. Pretty good germination on that for $9 a bag...lol
  15. This is a long standing and proven method. This no till approach is often done using a crimping roller on a cover crop like Rye. The seed is broadcast and the cover crimped. (if using a "weed stand" you can round up and them use a conventional roller like Let'em Grow suggested.) If using a seed drill the crimping takes place first and the seed placed through the crimped cover crop. As a dead mulch the moisture retention, lack of erosion and new weed barrier is great. https://www.shfarmsupply.com/New-Inventory-2019-GENESIS-Attachment-Implement-GOLIATH-8-CRIMPER-ROLLER-Any-Location-5254246 @moog5050 next years build?
  16. when you are cutting it the "sawdust" is weird. Do it outside. It is statically charged and sticks to all kinds of things. Can be a bear to try and sweep up. Can act like those little Styrofoam balls. I also think the vinyl has a warmer feel that a true laminate and it isn't as slippery.
  17. Have at it. Actually busting his balls turned my foul mood becasue of him into a pleasant ride in. I wish I had a picture of the face he made at that comment.
  18. Pet peeve of mine and one that reallllllly irritates me first thing in the morning. THE COFFEE CHEMIST. I usually make coffee at home before work. If I do stop for it on the way in it is usually because I am running later than I want to be. SO this type of person is NOT the one I want in front of me. They get their coffee and then proceed to the table with the cream and sugar. They add a little sugar and a little cream. They stir. They sip. They add a little sugar and a little cream. They stir. They sip. They add a little sugar and a little cream. They stir. They sip. They add a little sugar and a little cream. They stir. They sip. all while standing squarely in the middle so no one else can use the ingredients. Today was the day that I had to finally say something and the look on this guys face was priceless. I finally had to ask him. "It's a hard habit to kick once you start. why would you choose to start drinking coffee today?" He looked at me bewildered and said he has been drinking coffee for decades. I followed up with "oh. I am sorry. I would have thought that after all that time you would have figured out how much cream and sugar you like" He didn't find my comments as amusing as I did. Rant over
  19. I figured that since he wanted it for a blind there wouldn't be a tree...lol
  20. https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/nics/delayed-firearm-transaction
  21. It isn't a denial that is covered in this. There could be multiple people with the same name and one or more have issues that the Fed's want to evaluate. Nationally the have 3 days to clear it up, if not it presumed to be approved at that point. I know one guy that gets tied up in this all the time. He has a VERY common name and since the line to provide your social security number is optional he chooses to not provide it. If he did I am sure it would have been approved right away.
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