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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I don't think they make the model he has anymore. This would be the same structurally. They also make a shorter, cheaper one. https://redneckblinds.com/collections/soft-side-hunting-blinds/products/soft-side-6x6-ghillie-360
  2. Every once in a life you get a dog that just picks up everything quickly and is just perfect. Mine was my Springer Spaniel. Had him 11 years. He was flushing and retrieving to hand at 4 months old. I could steer that dog through the filed with my whistle. The breeder I got him from mentioned putting him in trials more than once but I never wanted to get into that. My wife use to say it was cruel but I could have him lay down on the kitchen floor and put a piece of steak on his paw and tell him to stay. Walk out of the room and come back a half hour later to him still in the same pose staring at the meat. (there was always a big puddle of drool though. (maybe that was why she got mad and not about the dog at all...lol). One the other side of the coin if you left food on the counter and left the house he would have it in a blink of an eye.
  3. I don't see them the same. I have never had a gun of mine go ruing out of my house and shoot a neighbor.
  4. I don't see it going south. I agree with a lot of what you said. Here is the thing about aggression. In the absence of the focus of the bred target, aggression is easily transferred to an available target. Training is what controls and to some extent supersedes the genetic encoding. You hit the nail on the head with your comment about people owning them that shouldn't. Freedom is a tricky topic when it is exercised irresponsibly and ends up impacting others. I think there should be stiffer penalties for owners that have dogs (any breed) that has a history and they don't take adequate precautions. I love my dogs but if one ever bit I wouldn't tolerate it. It would be put down.
  5. I must be getting old. I don''t know how you guys are doing all day sits on chairs without back support. How do you nap? lol
  6. The type I installed was one board at a time. You didn’t have to fold in an entire row at a time like the laminates use to
  7. I know some friends and relatives that have pit mixes. we don't see eye to eye on the dogs. Aggressive breeds were bred to be just that. They are predisposed to be aggressive. They are more likely to be aggressive. Just becasue a wolf is called a sheep, it's still a wolf. They do get more press than small dogs becasue when they go bad it is usually really bad. I will say that I trust small dogs far less than large ones. I also don't trust breeds that were subjected to such irresponsible breeding. To me Poodles are a prime example. I have never met a standard poodle that gave me pause. Then humans continued their breeding manipulation for their "size" and the miniatures and toys are an abomination in many cases. Their temperament sucks in general becasue they weren't bred for that. Golden retrievers and Irish setters suffered from the irresponsibility as well but that manifested in physical issues like bad hips.
  8. Bulldogs and pugs are so docile because they are scared to death to move. They are afraid they may walk in front of a window or mirror and see their reflection. So damned ugly their image is deadly.
  9. I don't understand that sentence Elmo. A dog left by itself would normally have the genetic tendencies on full display. It is training that utilizes or suppresses those tendencies.
  10. Our QDMA branch bought 4 new OX 5 blinds. I have t say they are the nicest movable blind I have ever sat in. One did go down and snapped a rod with that 14" snow fall we had before last years opener. I even had a pole under the center support hub. If I wanted to put one up and not move it and wanted it to hold up to snow, Moog's Redneck tent blind sure is a nice one. The OX 5 was like $260? but I think the Rednecks are over 400. They do have a nice metal frame though. I know guys that have them that leave the frame up all year and just pop the fabric on and off for the season.
  11. Don't ever shoot through the mesh with a gun. 2 reasons. The muzzle blast will melt it up pretty good and to do that would mean the muzzle in IN the blind with you. That report will make you think your ears are gonna bleed.
  12. The moldings are required but not for a transition of height. All laminate flooring is free floating (different that nailed hardwood). It is actually very surprising how much it can expand and contract. That is the main function of those T moldings. (to hold the flooring down and let it expand and contract separately form the adjoining floor.) Follow the manufacturers instructions. If you run into rooms from hallways and put too much together in one mass you run the risk of a separation or a bind and buckle. In a normal sized bedroom I wouldn't worry about a closet or an attached bathroom going in without the transition but be careful connection large rooms. I put the 100% waterproof vinyl in our family room since it is below grade. Great product and I love it. The actual wood texture is very nice.
  13. I've been bit 3 time by different dogs. one was a collie and the other 2 were cocker spaniels. The last cocker was my buddies mother in law. We were delivering her a couple fence sections becasue I had a truck. FIrst time I had met her. the little laso opso or some ankle bite breed came right at me barking in the back yard while we had the fence section above our heads carrying it. The freaking cocker came around behind me and never made a sound. He bit me right in the calf. I dropped the fence section and chased that dog right into her house. It ran hiding behind a couch an if I could have gotten my hands on it I would have strangled it right there. She has the nerve to say that she was surprised it was the cocker that bit me because she never bit anyone before "usually it's the other one"
  14. I have a neighbor/friend that owns a pit mix. This is the sneakiest dog I have ever been around. It has bit two people already. when ever I have to go over to the house I drive and talk to him out the window of the truck. He has invited me in to the house and I decline. He finally asked why I wasn't getting out of the truck and I told him point blank that his dog is dangerous and I like our friendship and peace in the neighborhood to much to risk loosing it, becasue if the dog bit me or one of my family I would shoot the damned thing and wouldn't care if it was right in front of him, his wife or grand kids.
  15. https://www.fieldandstreamshop.com/p/field-stream-rotating-blind-chair-16fnsufsltmtrttngtsb/16fnsufsltmtrttngtsb I bought 2 of these last year. Very comfortable and seem pretty quiet. 2 legs adjust so it is good on uneven ground. I think they had a more expensive one that had arms. it comes apart into 2 pieces and the legs fold up. NOT the easiest thing to carry though and we left them in the blinds during the season.
  16. I haven't figured out the equipment list thing. Seems like I really want to know what kind of batteries they are using in their head lamps that last over a month of use every night.
  17. sharp arrow, knife....her foot? not very bright.
  18. I think that spray can of flex seal would work well. I think it's like $* at Lowes. It's flat black.
  19. I've got some fence posts and fence. Gonna put in an exclusion cage just so we can see how much pressure it's getting. Tough area there with the population.
  20. I've got an idea in my head for an add-on. I was wishing it was wider when we were making it but on the uneven ground it did better narrower becasue it didn't bridge.
  21. The area with the most rocks did make it bounce a bit. That actually worked out really well because it kept the teeth totally clean. I would expect next years use on the plot would be much easier with less passes since the sod is all broken up now. Should start rotting out
  22. Not sure if these will work but I’m only on my phone. I think it worked well. Would t want to do acres and acres like this but it sure seemed like the ticket for small plots. Added about an 80# log to dig through a heavily sodded area. Multiple pass but broke it up. Fingers crossed for some rain.
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