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Everything posted by tughillhunter

  1. if i get out this weekend, ill be in my luxury box blind. lol
  2. someday, someone is going to make your face look like your avatar.
  3. holy moley. thats a beaut right there. nice to see an oswego county monster on here for once, lol.
  4. my standing corn plot got wiped out. same with apples and acorns, zilch. oddly though, the soybeans barely got touched so far, which i think is extremely wierd.
  5. ive heard that very same thing. the ones that eat berries and other vegetation taste the best. ive had bear and i thought it was pretty good, but couldnt tell you what it ate.
  6. she just turned 10 on october 20th. perfect gun for her. its light, recoil next to nothing.
  7. mine has been good. got 2 doe and a 5 point. looking to get number 4 this week.
  8. well, after alot of thinking, i think i might just hold on to it, keep it for my daughter. she would love it, and appreciate it. She went and sat with me tonight and froze her butt off, but told me how she cant wait to be able to have a gun while she sits with me, so that literally pulled the bug out of my patoot.
  9. wow. you got lucky. that sucks for the guy with the tacoma, those are nice trucks. heart probably jumped right into your throat. always carry extra knickers with ya. lol
  10. i see that now. my bad fellas. i dont have much knowledge on the pistol thing. maybe i should shut up and read everything first. sorry.
  11. so i can buy one, but cant shoot it? thats queer.
  12. it sucks losing a deer. i lost one about 5 years ago. wasnt a bruiser, but it was a nice deer to me. it sucked bad.
  13. Q: I have a pistol permit, may I carry my handgun while deer or bear hunting with a muzzleloader? A: No. While muzzleloader hunting during a special muzzleloader season for deer or bear, you may not possess a firearm of any description. hmmmmmmm................
  14. you wont catch this guy working over 40 for nothing. f that.
  15. jeez, that salmon looks like krylon threw up on it. no offense.
  16. to bad you cant carry a pistol during muzzleloader season.
  17. never liked them anyways. im a summitt or jegs guy. napa for plain jane parts.
  18. welcome! ive seen that hunter online course, looks like a pain in the rear, lol.
  19. i dont think you can, since you cannot carry a pistol with muzzleloader during the muzzleloader season. regular season, i would think you could. but thats alot of extra bs to haul around.
  20. i dont believe. but, if i did see one, i would shoot it, just to have the legitimate proof. i think i may have just opened a can of worms. oops.
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