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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. Who cares. Bad day hunting is better than a good day. .. . .
  2. Can't kill em on the couch !!
  3. And how tall are those 2's ???
  4. What a great buck. Don't take this the wrong way but he is pretty ! Good lookin 8 !! Congrats and way to be strong on your qdm....trust me, I know how bad it sucks but man when it pays off !!
  5. Well, he's at the taxidermist. Nothing makes a guy happier than having some jaws drop --- at the taxidermist !!
  6. TreeGuy

    DEC regions?

    Absolutely ! Welcome to the great state of ny ! Please though, we all here hope you will take the time and locate the exact wmu you will be hunting, and ones you are close to, then or before then read the regs ! Rifle or shotgun areas, etc. There are a bunch of state land only rules as well, no permanent stands, etc. Plus, I highly highly highly recommend scouting state land. If you can find a funnel or a solid run to / from thick bedding and have the patience to sit ur butt all day you are going to allow others to send deer your way ! I'm sorry to blab there is just so much I want you to know before you step foot in the woods ! Mainly the LAW
  7. TreeGuy

    DEC regions?

    J bone, take this as an offer to help you, not make fun, but is this your first season ? Have you ever taken a deer ? Have you ever taken an antler less deer ? I am willing to help with your question, but you need to realize the importance of these areas and the importance of knowing rules / regs before you step foot in the woods. It's for your sake, for our sake and for the animals sake. Please check the wmu map and at least know which one you hunt in !! Step 1
  8. Sweet pair of bucks !!! Way to go. Good luck to your dad !
  9. Already have my number 2 lined up..... but this guy ( in pics ) has alot of history. Named him the " Vamp " as in vampire. I saw him a handful of times past 2 years but it was always too dark... I always knew it was him because his antlers were obvious even in no light situations. Hence the name vamp, was like he only came out at night. Only saw him in legal light once during bow 2 years ago, chasing a doe, bout 75 yards away. But I have gotten him on camera a bunch. Who knows. It would tickle me even more to know I finally got that bugger. The name vamp has haunted me too long. And yes, I took garlic and a cross out last year, last day of muzzle... if anyone was going to ask ! Don't judge me
  10. Well now that I think of it, he had a chunk missing out of his ear... I'm gonna have to dig out the original cam pic and see.... that's a dead ringer.
  11. Only thing really similar is crab on right beam and the long hook on the left.....
  12. Well, my gut tells me no but I feel it could be possible. If he ages 4.5 I guess I'll reconsider, but tell me if you think this is the same deer. These are last year's trail cam pics...
  13. I have a bunch out of that stand, actually it's wide open.... except for a few spots... which is exactly where he walked !
  14. Mmmmmm. Tenderloins never tasted so good !! Thanks again guys, I appreciate you taking the time to read. My only hope with my story is you were able put yourself in my muck boots for a second of my day today. I literally feel like I got hit by a train tired. So much emotion and adreneline !!! This is why I hunt.
  15. I hope the young one in the pic is a sportsman like his dad... can't wait to share memories with him !
  16. He's a 9h stud. And his big brother is still on the hoof
  17. And the window I through my hail mary through was the size of a basketball..... elite + rage extreme + patience = giant.
  18. Thanks guys, seriously ! I have caught myself saying out loud " I killed the giant " 10374788339 times since 1130am
  19. Devil dog. Where exactly are you located ? How far are you willing to go ? Semper if ( fellow 0311 )
  20. The giant.... It's been an incredibly tough 3, buckless seasons !!! Letting them go and watching them grow is tough, and for me it's even tougher to continuously get nocturnal giants on the cams and barely ever have sightings. I have in the past 5 years of leasing this property, seen some of the biggest deer of my life, mainly on camera, or past or before legal light. So this year was no different. Couple monsters on the cams, always at night. My birthday was November 1st, hunted all day and didn't see much. Sunday my parents wanted me to come over for dinner, which anybody, including them that know me, know I'm hard to commit to anything during daylight hours, October to january especially during the rut. Well, I commited, and went out sun morning and saw nothing but a fawn. got back to the house around 1130 and decided to hang my new cuddy back near a stand I hadn't used yet this year. As I drove the 4 wheeler back to the house I found myself 50 yards and face to face with a giant. I kept driving and he kept watching. I got about 150yards away and stopped to investigate ( and wipe the drool from my mouth) . I noticed he had a doe locked down in some thick stuff. So I headed back to the house to devise a plan. Unfortunately I could barely think let alone concentrate on the perfect kill plan. Either way, j was going to have to decide, family dinner or kill a giant. I'm a new father, and it does have me thinking differently, so I decided I would go to dinner. On our way to my parents I was taking a slow drive and glaring in the woods, and of course, who do I see trying to cross the road but the giant ! I quickly hopped out of the truck and scared him back into the woods. I could barely keep myself together. Since then I have been a wreck. One thing on my mind, the giant. We have all been there ! Had Wednesday off and was in the woods all day except a 30 min crap n sangwich break.... only saw 2 small bucks all day. Hanging my head and thinking I lost my one shot at the giant I still kept my fire and was in the stand this am by 530. Saw nothing but a button buck all day, till 920, when I caught a flash of brown followed by a chunk of antlers. he was on a mission, head down through the golden rod, making his own trail as he went. I really only had one small window to shoot, so I drew back and by the time I was ready to stop him he was hidden under 6' of swamp weeds... let down the bow... he kept coming but slowly heading for the thick stuff and into never ever land...I picked out a spot under some apple trees that would be my hail mary spot... he kept coming... I stopped him...let the rage extreme fly...lumenok glowing I saw the arrow hit him center mass, good height. Ugh. Oh no. i could not tell you what was happening to me for the next half hour. I decided to wait in the stand. Marginal shot, maybe, but was hoping for liver and hoping that nasty extreme would do work on him. so after an episode of tremors and shaking like a Crack head, 30 min had passed. So I got down.....blood !!! The giant had an arrow threw him !! Found a huge spray of blood on impact and could see blood at least 10 yrds up the run he took. Being cautious I decided to give him 2 hours. I did, when I started tracking I could not believe the blood trail. He went a total of 80 yards and piled up. It was a liver/ gut shot, but it worked, and I am one happy hunter. The best part is that after all the exciment calmed down I realized he's not even the big guy I have on the trail cam !! I will be greatful for him but my goodness what a great season I could have with both !! Who knows, who cares. The giant is dead and I am still in disbelief!!! If you just read all of this, thanks, and good luck to you !! Let em go and watch em grow !! 19.5" inside. 10.5" g2 that's 2.25" thick, great mass, just an aweome deer. Feel free to score from pics !
  21. Check the harvest thread, pics are up. Daddy duty for a bit then I'll post my story.... it will be worth a read !
  22. Biggest to date... gonna fit right in on the wall ! Story to follow
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