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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. I hope the deer remembered to turn back the clocks...
  2. CT, dont take that the wrong way, i just meant i expect this guy to make things right first, before i explore other options
  3. I love hunting and i love drinking but i never mix the two. U can find me sleeping night before openers, not boozin
  4. Unless u can switch antlers and forms for nothin im going to see what he says first.... my father paid for both. Mine was my bday/ christmas pres. So when i finally told him he was heated. He wants to call since he paid. 400each is a good price if they were the correct deer!
  5. Best night in the stand all year...hoping tom. a.m. them bigguns get within range
  6. Bigguns...all over the place..... playing ring around the red brush with a few doe.....come here!!!!
  7. Now, just picture the antlers swapped.....
  8. Just got em last night and realized it today.... havent mentioned it yet
  9. Honestly, i feel better now. I knew u would understand i dont push my ethics.... and x2 on the big fatty swamp cow for the both of us!
  10. Well, you get what u pay for.... just got mine and my dads bucks from last year back. Besides the fur being in sub-par shape, the mounts are about worth what we paid.....BUT i just knew something wasnt right with them. Started comparing photos to the mounts and it seems there has been an antler mistake. Mine are on his and his are on mine.....im speechless that a guy who does so much taxidermy could make an epic mistake like this !!!! Not gonna mention any names just yet and not gonna post pics. I guess im just looking for a pity party before i lose my mind..... anybody know if it will be possible to just swap antlers?
  11. Perfect conditions/snow/cold and pefrect time/ pre rut/ chase....but only one scrubby 1.5 all morning....wth. the ole' man just text me he stuck a doe..... at least hes gettin it done this season!!! Going to drop the chevy off to get new tires then back at it.. at least ill get bday backstraps one way or another g'luck
  12. Calm before the storm.... i think the bucks like to find an unpopular doe that happens to cross their path daily and just kinda tag alpng at this point... be ready, maybe practice their pick up lines. They broke out of the bachlor packs so they need to practice..... lol. Idk. Ive seen the same 2.5 since opener with the same doe.....and the rut/lock down did NOT start oct 1 !
  13. I applaud your honesty....lol. i may have dragged that on for awhile, maybe just left out the whole chevy thing...or at least say u got it just past dusk....either way thats a nice buck ! congrats?
  14. Anyone willing to do a 9m for a 9f ?
  15. Maybe i should have said..... antlerless is antlerless, but i do hope u get the opportunity to harvest a more mature deer, it always seems lbs more enjoyable to me. Im sure you can agree u would probably shoot the bigger deer first right? I mean, if there were two deer standing there.... also, in case u were curious ( not at all pertaining to your question) i have found in my personal experience that looking at a deers head is usually a great place to notice if it is mature or not. The bb's and doe fawns typically have a distinct square like, small and stubby snout vs the long narrow head of a more mature deer. Hope this bit of info is helpful! Either way, i wish u luck and hope mother nature sends a big doe to you.... -any better?
  16. Had to work today but was able to hit the town hall and score some more dmps.... great birthday present to myself good luck those out there getting soaked!!
  17. TreeGuy

    Bad hunter?

    Winner is one word to describe them.... and i didn't call the dec on this occasion. I felt like i was a part of it since i let him on my property to finish her... but wth am i supposed to check his license and proper dmp's?!!! I just wanted to put her out of her misery!!! Next time im just gonna call and maybe the dec will give me a tag... but again, what if they say im the one who shot her w/o proper tags!!!??! I guess i just do my part and follow regs that i take it for granted all the law breakers out there and it makes me so angry !
  18. And they have stuff for all season, like right now ive been using the ASU or all season urine for a cover scent. Every deer that comes by is curious and NOT spooky unlike most cover scents ive used. But i cant wait for the pre/rut to start droppin some doe n heat out there
  19. Antler ice. The doe n heat brings in the bigguns.... ive never had mature deer react to it vs. any of the other million scents ive tried... give it a try for yourself!
  20. Well thats how i have hunted since day 1, learn and improve.... but all my comments on this thread were never about me trying to push my ethics or views on others, i was just politely wishing that instead of a button buck a big fat doe would be harvested, like wishing someone good luck... and a piece of knowledge i learned over the years on determining a deers age/size....but its been confused and twisted into something i hadnt intended. Either way.
  21. TreeGuy

    Bad hunter?

    Well i am definately assuming.... but the local boys that hunt around my area always make me think the worst... a few years back i had a gut shot doe come hobblin by my stand ( no doe tag for where i was) and i had to let her pass, she laid down, i immediately hot out of the stand and went door to door looking for leads on who shot her, turns out my neighbors friend shot her, saw the blood, knew it was a gut shot and decided to get upset and go home instead of track/recover. She had only gone >200 yrds. So i told him to come finish what he started... so he did, then jokes about putting the wrong area dmp tag on it.... needless to say i was not happy. Sooo, besides the excessive alcohol consumption while hunting and this plus many other storys, i assume the worst. But, it could have been a kill shot who knows.... either way it was an interesting find to say the least!
  22. Anything ? I am curious to see what the deal is
  23. Good to see the bodys showing up! Congrats all! Hoping this weekend i can join in the success!!!
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