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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by TreeGuy

  1. Seriously? Im not worried, i am far from "elitist", and i have told no one they are wrong!
  2. 1) i am not saying people are less of a hunter for any reason 2) i would rather hunters killed mature deer than bb's 3) i would hope at some point in our hunting career that all of us try to learn something to better us as hunter Can u really tell me u disagree with this? Or..... Lets agree to disagree.
  3. Lol, i have a " vampire " too! Hoping the rut brings him out in the sun... i laced my arrow with garlic
  4. Never have tuned my 2 blade and they fly exactly as my field tips and the practice head do.... hope u can figure it out!
  5. Oh goodness. Ok, everybody is a good hunter, even the bad ones.... and killing button bucks is awesome! Kill em all!!!
  6. I agree, when the october storm hit here years back my father was able to pull a double and smoke 2 slickheads and was back home having coffee by 8.... meanwhile treeguy was cutting trees and clearing brush for 4746253 hours.... either way, after the storm ill be in the stand this year!!!
  7. TreeGuy

    Bad hunter?

    I wish i knew! I wish i knew who and where too... all i know is that was prob a long painful death and the coyotes dragged his skull ( if not more) to there den. I was beyond upset when i found it!!! Was a buck too.
  8. A good coyote is a dead coyote.... nice job, and done with the bow!! Is there a yote logic app in the works?
  9. Saw the same 2.5 8pt for the umpteenth time tonight. Since opener he has had a doe under his close watch. Tonight he had two, and was chasing them both all over the place. 9H.
  10. TreeGuy

    Bad hunter?

    I cannot imagine how painful it must have been for this guy, especially when he broke the arrow off.....ouch!
  11. TreeGuy

    Bad hunter?

    I have a fantastic collection on the garage wall, whitetail, fox, coyote, coon, squirrel, chipmunk, woodchuck, mice, opossum, etc. If i find it i keep it. I actually found one this past spring while shed hinting.... pi$$ed me off too, ill have to snap a pic and upload. Shows how stupid some people are when bowhunting.... wait for it
  12. Cant tell its a bb but can tell its a queer.... now thats skill..lol
  13. 16 turkeys in the backyard.... cant shoot em from the couch!!!
  14. Again, not trying to say who is and isnt a hunter, just saying its a shame to me and im sure im not alone, when a button buck is shot. And hunters are hunters, knowledgeable or not, whether its a guy who studies everything he sees in the woods and reads up on as much as he can to the guy who dusts off his 12ga once a year and grabs a 30 pack for the night before opening day.... i wont say your not a hunter in my book! I dont care what people do i just hate seeing button bucks get shot! If the d.e.c. can put AR's out that means they expect you as a hunter, no matter what your knowledge is to be able to tell what it is your shooting at, i guess i wish the same thing, especially during bow! How can u get a good and ethical shot at a deer with a bow without being able to give it a solid once over?
  15. Dont look too far into my comment.... point was it sux when button bucks get shot, and that it is possible to tell the difference between a mature deer and a yearling.
  16. Hate when people shoot button bucks.... just my opinion, dont want to start a forum war.... but any " hunter" should be able to determine a button or young doe. My method is the head, hence the nickname chisel head. That squarish small snouted face is a dead give away! Good luck, and i hope u bag a slob flat head not buttons!!
  17. Awesome buck!! !! I gotta ask, roughly what area are r u hunting in? I have a twin of that deer on my cams....
  18. Decoyin is sometimes reaaaal fun ! Hope it works out 4 u. Screw the buck bombs.... look up antler ice, u will only need one bottle !!! Good luck!!!
  19. I have a feeling for some reason a wounded deer views the creek as we view a hospital.... im sure there is a scientific explanation but i think thats a proper analogy
  20. And to add my. 02.... new hunters should be twice as prepared for " before the shot " than after
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