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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. A dogs spirt is kindled by retrieving another one in its place. Think about it and get another one……….
  2. Four season seems like your missing a few seasons up top!
  3. I have it in my garage, it has to be 30-40 years old. Burned just fine. The original owner of the house, which was built in 1940, left jars of it in a number of different rooms.
  4. The reports on Fox news are saying weapons were stolen from hunting cabins. There are hundred and thousands of hunting cabins with weapons in them. Hunters can't say what weapons were left at their cabin. Are you getting this……..Ok folks who leaves weapons at their cabins?????? FOX needs to reset and figure out where their priorities lay. Pro gun anti gun. They are tripping over their own feet. This is comical. Only in America……BTW glad they are about to end this search. My Niece lives pretty close to the area.
  5. I closed on the Pepperidge Farm snack route today. An exiting time for me and my family, this is what my daughter posted on face book…..makes it all worth it!!! "Congrats to the best dad ever on closing on the route today! I'm so glad you got this new job. It's amazing being able to see you during the week and these past few months we've gotten so much closer because of it. Best of luck with the route ❤ Burt Carnesi ???????????????????? (there was no goldfish emoji)"
  6. No way to tell from that photo. I enlarged in PS and still couldn't make out anything.
  7. I know when I see bucks tending a scrape they are always hitting a licking branch so maybe it will work? http://www.shopdeerhunting.com/smokeys-pre-orbital-gland-lure-v6534?et_mid=761832&rid=238274867
  8. I held my glass of scotch out and a few landed in it. lol
  9. First-light


    Thank you. I have spent the entire weekend with my kids and having a great time. There is nothing on earth that gives me greater joy than seeing smiles on their face. Thank you girls!!!
  10. While I was at camp Mon-Wed I made sure there was a loaded gun pretty close to me all times. You never know and now they are spotted pretty close to my area, yikes!
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/20/us/new-york-prison-break/index.html
  12. I was able to get real close 20 feet to a doe with fawns. Is this her defense against predators to lead the danger away from the fawns, me thinks so?
  13. It's bad out there and only getting worse.
  14. I was at camp 8P last weekend. Had two on the cam and while walking ran into a doe with two fawns. Also saw one dead on 17 headed towards Bath.
  15. Hey, Howard is where my camp is at…..400 acres Hmmmm, manage deer, take some big ones??? I just might know your uncle.
  16. Let him come over. They watch TV in the family room and no blankets………..
  17. Abetter pict of the three bucks. Front one looks decent.
  18. Game on, got to the cabin today and saw a Woodchuck hole going under my cabin. Have a trap set tonight if that doesn't do it I will hunt it down tomorrow! BTW do chucks come out in the rain??? lol
  19. You're right Cory. I didn't notice that. We have a Moma yote that has moved her pups a few times. Could be that?
  20. Brother in law got hit pretty hard in Burdett. Hope everyone is safe!
  21. Eddie I'm just prepping the bunch for me, lol. Kudos Lawdwaz keep it up!
  22. My Father in law always told us to fill all the tags that we had. I have taken a lot of deer with him all special in my mind.
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