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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Thanks for posting Doc. I think we all have talked about, debated, a shorter season and a 1 buck rule. To me that really wouldn't hurt me too much. There would be a lot of should of and could of in bow season but was holding out for a bigger buck at gun. Also if you shoot that nice buck at bow season there goes that oh so special opening morning hunt. You could still be out there but only to shoot a doe. I guess that is some of the down side. AR's they can keep, not interested at all.
  2. but you'll go in for the free food samplers! lol
  3. I'm not an expert that is why I'm asking but I would imagine a 33.8 lbs coon is pretty big??
  4. I have a camp next to me all are from out of state. I know its a small percentage but they don't get doe permits. Maybe they should start there!! These guys love venison……...
  5. I would think the majority of hunters would not be in favor of alter restrictions. 1 buck rule would be interesting and that is something I could live with but it would lead to more illegal tagging, how much I don't know. It just spins my head how 1 year you can go out and kill multiple bucks and the next they want to introduce restrictions on killing bucks. I haven't seen anything official so this just may be someones opinion.
  6. When I built my camp years ago I had a bunch of racks inside the unfinished cabin. Racks with skull plates, some mounted on wood but most rack and skull. I go up one weekend and some type of bug or worm got into some the fur/flesh part. I put them out back on the porch in a bucket. The neighbors dog starts to get into them and brings one by one over to my neighbors yard. He keeps on stumbling upon them and can't figure it out. I put 2 and 2 together and told him where they came from. We had a big laugh...
  7. 100 bucks and they are real comfortable, can't beat it.
  8. Love his writing! Good choice…when a way from the woods you can pick up one of his books and feel like your with him on the journey.
  9. My neighbor upstate bought his granddaughter that same set up (243) this year. They are very pleased with the purchase. She also took a deer with it!
  10. I have a lot of the things that OL magazine offered back in the 60-70's. I have b/w prints that was a set of four. Coasters and a number of patches for my hunting vest.
  11. Have a great 2015!! It's going to be an interesting one for me…...
  12. Nice deer, too bad he wasn't found. I liver shot a deer once. Looked for 7 hours was about to give up and heard a bunch of crows. Went over to look and there he was. The wound was pecked at but that was it.
  13. Keep it to a business you can get off the ground with 200k.
  14. I want to build one that you can also shoot a bow out of.
  15. I remember it all. I lived for OL back then. The ad that did it for me was the Forest Ranger. "sleep under the stars and catch your breakfast from a stream" become a Forest Ranger! I have some OL that go back to the 60's at my cabin.
  16. John Happy Birthday, thanks for the great website!!! Enjoy the day.
  17. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. Thought you folks may like this…...
  18. Gang, Just heard back from a NYS Biologist. His words: "I suspect the deer’s urine was stained by something it ate, possibly pokeweed berries." No mention about breeding, blood or anything else. Just diet! FL
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