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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Someone went and shot a holy moose......can you believe it! I thought we knew better as a group not to shoot the white animals. Our season is lost! Hang up the bows and ask your wife what you can do for her, before it is too late.............. http://www.weather.com/video/hunters-kill-holy-moose-39443
  2. Sure looks like a lot of the same deer in that pict. I hunt WNY and we are loaded with deer. As far as the ratio goes I couldn't tell ya. Go to your local processor or look at the dec numbers that should help.
  3. Got a big belly but that could just be the angle. I would say 2.5 and score 90's.
  4. Nice Joe! Get back out at first light and do your best to find him. I think you hit lung but also caught the opposite leg. You can be out there early tomorrow and just concentrate on finding the deer and not 9:30. If you start at 6:30-7 that gives you almost two and a half hours. Plenty of time my friend. Good luck!
  5. I had that happen three seasons ago. Had an alpha doe (she was a hog) with twins let the world know I was hunting my property. Every time I went out at bow season she seemed to turn up, blowing, blowing and blowing. I lost count one day.. We had corn in that year and she was keeping close to it. frustrating to say the least. I think I took her a season later.
  6. Take it up in the morning. She will be dead and not too far off. Take your time and you will find her.
  7. Glad others are doing the same. I will be doing all day sits on bow stand this year and will keep track of movement.
  8. First-light


    Just warming up for gun season??
  9. You go in at first light come out at 9-10am. Go back in around 2pm to dark. Has anyone ever switched it up?? Sleep in until 9am get to your stand at 10 and hunt until 2pm? I have been seeing more and more deer out at mid-day hours how about you?
  10. Know your area that you hunt. Select that area that has the most sign and stick it out.
  11. Nice hot coffee in your stand can keep you out much longer. All of us at camp do it.
  12. Carries who out, I wonder? No need for the quad boys you have Olga!
  13. Always can count on you boys to break the place in for season! Got myself a new woman this year but thanks for the tip, heard you and Doe really like them girls!
  14. Moon phase, we have some crazy tides today on Long Island.
  15. Will be the first time up this year. Things have been a bit busy for me. looking at the long range forecast it looks pretty sweet!!!
  16. That is great. Yea leaving something behind sure does help.
  17. What he said. My first time up will be Oct 18th. I'll hunt funnels and trails leading to food.
  18. Just testing tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  19. I have had deer blow at me, just continue to your stand and get up it before light. This has happened in the past and if the deer doesn't smell or see you he will not go far. Had a 6 point do this and came right in once the sun came up.
  20. Cool videos. You have corn on your property? I seem to catch them in the morning coming back from the corn fields.
  21. Did you remind the little guy to use his safety harness? He might of been hunting you???? I had a squirrel drop an ear of corn right by my feet once. thought my brother threw it at me. They are seeking revenge I tell ya!
  22. Let's see what they come up with. Remember 1 thing this is the beginning of the season and that deer has been doing nothing but eating. A big deer like that could easily shed a lot of lbs during the rut.
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