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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I always worry about that. Do some still hunting that will keep you warm?
  2. Good luck all. Weather in WNY looks good today but gets worse as the weekend goes on. I won't be out but will be thinking of you guys making the "last stand"
  3. The "land of opportunity" isn't it Doc. The whole situation is bad, guns in the hand of a crazy person. Not a good mix. I understand our rights and yes there are a lot of guns out there and will never be taken off the street. I'm sure 99% of my fellow hunters on this site are law abiding gun owners and keep them secure and safe. Tough all around, I pray for them. Salmon Run-that is a nice idea, will pass it on to my friends and family.
  4. "welcome the news of each of these tragedies" Doc your sick for thinking that. I thought better of you. It's the same argument over and over again. I'll take my lumps here, I knew that would happen. Not much has been done in the past, let's see what happens now. Good day.
  5. I knew my post was going against the grain here. Keep on believing what you want. I believe we need more control obviously the mother of the shooter needed to keep the weapons in a more secure place (gun control). I could give a rats ass about someone needing to shoot a gun for pleasure.A gun that could incur mass devastation on people needs to be banned. You people live in the dark age. Popit, too bad, these kids wouldn't be dead if the guns were in a more secure place. I celebrate their lives and hope this does something that nothing in the past, even killing of an american president, couldn't do. Humans are lazy, give them a gun that can shoot 10-20 rounds off real quick or give them a gun that shoots 3-5 rounds-bet ya they stay on the couch.
  6. You can start by limiting what type of weapons are available to ANYONE. Assault weapons ban bring it back. Can't buy ammo over the internet. When you buy your ammo at Dicks and they ask for you license just smile and give it to them. Do you people realize that if just one 10 year old was spared because this guy could only get off 3 shots instead of twenty it would be worth it..... or are your guns too precious. Yea emotions are running high, I just wonder if it was yours...................I am a die hard hunter and gun owner. I could give a shit if I had to register or go through more background checks. Just think, just think, just think, for a moment ....I here the feds are after that and that-bullshit and wake up. You don't like what I say tough shit, This is the way I feel and I'm just like you a hunter on a hunting website that I love. If just one life was saved by banning assault weapons so be it, go ahead sharks and feed......................oh yea I don't support the NRA.....
  7. It's about time something be done in this country. I hope in the names of the dead stricter laws come out. You can't take the crazies off the street but you can limit what they use.
  8. I'm ready to throw up. Sorry but here it comes and there aint nothing your going to do about it. Thee poor children..........
  9. Too much of this going around. Don't know what is going to happen next.....Thoughts and prayers to the Families.
  10. Funny how the little extra in cooking help the flavor. This weekend we had wild rice, almonds and cranberries mixed with venison. When you got a cranberry and some venison together it was wonderful! Give it a try.
  11. My girls had them out at 2 also. Helped a lot with sleeping and sickness (sinus) problems. Best to all of you!
  12. Probably Ed. I got mine a month ago and got sick 3 days after that. The doctors tells me otherwise, who knows!
  13. Doing it for the first time. We have two spots (reservations?) that are ours. #410 and 411
  14. Keep me posted. Brought a good friend to my place and now he wants to look for land.
  15. That is serious! Nice stand cabin. At season one guy at camp had the thought of putting a pop up on the platform, well there you go.
  16. Just ordered at 6:29. Can't believe shipping was only 2 bucks??? What's with that?
  17. I had a bear come to a deer scrape three times in one afternoon. Had code red buck lure in it.
  18. Happened to my Daughter last year. It's wonderful, congrats to her. Often we write about the kids in trouble, nice to hear some positive news!!
  19. Father in law this hunting season. 1st one without him and stories of the past.
  20. Welcome Gary. I'm very close to you and shop in Hornell. It's a great area to hunt and fish.
  21. First-light

    Last day

    Hey guys good luck and shoot one for me! Not one gun was fired on my property this year-crazy right??
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