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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Just ordered two from Cabellas, one for me and a jr. archer. All those years hanging stands and standing in homemade stands two 2x4's and a piece of plywood, we are lucky!
  2. Hope your better. I dislocated my finger back in August and this past weekend when it was in the mid 30's it really bothered me. You may be able to pull back but the cold might put you in alot of pain. Bring along some advil during the hunt.
  3. My desire to let a yearling buck walk diminishes with as the season wears on.............remember a hunters season may be only 1 day, a week or every day of the season.
  4. I put in turnips this year. I also have plenty of bears around so I will report back at what I see. I think they will love them once the frost hits.
  5. Well my Mom did the original and she was all over the place with the new camera. I copied the video to my Ipod and then posted it. I remember that big foot film when the beast looks back at the camera, funny!
  6. Here is the video, had to copy it and resize, enjoy.
  7. Kid, It's the real deal, although I've been retouching for a good part of 25 years I see what your saying. I have the video also just have to downsize it and post, maybe this weekend.
  8. Wow, I really like what I'm hearing. You guys really show a dedication to the sport and the deer. Just to show you how tough these animals are back in 91 I gut shot a big 7pt. we tracked him for 3 hrs and finally he laid down a couldn't get up and I ended it. After hanging the deer up I noticed that his front leg must of been broke at one time the joint was a big ball but it healed. His other front leg had a mound under the skin so I took my knife and cut it open. Out came the cardboard wading form a shot. Go figure, this deer was 3.5 if not 4.5 years old. One strong SOB!
  9. So far the numbers seem low which is good! Keep'em coming.
  10. We all talk about the ones we shoot and recover, how about the deer we wound and don't recover. Put down how many years you been hunting, deer wounded by bow or gun. I have been hunting 31 years. Gun non recovered deer 1. Bow non recovered deer 4.
  11. What do you charge per/acre and what region are you in. I lease out about 25 acres I could get about 20 bucks per/acre but choose to have him do favors for me when needed (brush hog or plow food plots.)
  12. No I don't. Unfortunately I'm from out-of-town but my brother-in-law usually sets some up for me. Him and his son got permission to hunt a farm that is basically off limits to hunters. My nephew puts in alot of free time with the farmer and got prmission to hunt a 30 acre funnel that links a bunch of plots together. They have pictures of at least 3 8-10 pts and one monster 12. I'm waiting to see picts, so that's where the trail cams are.
  13. Zemm, Any sign off those dogs that run in the area. I remember how they screwed things up for you.
  14. Hey Zemm, Nice pictures! The famous crabapple tree, love it! Remember the spike from last year that is great! Nice bucks in the pictures.
  15. I have 4 different people who border me. Hunt club to the north, great bunch of guys. To the west a guy who owns a small 9 acre parcell with his girlfriend, again they are very nice and only hunt gun and opening week. To the east is a guy who I became great friends with. Being I'm from out-of-town he looks after the place gets the water and heat going before I get there. We are best of friends! 4th guy I don't know and never had a problem with. I'm lucky to have such good neighbors.
  16. just to ad one more, logging crews will not cut down line trees so you do have some big trees along lines producing alot of mast crop.
  17. We have agreements also. I do however hang a stand on the back of my property about 20 yards off the line. Now I know my neighbor does not have any stands closer than 200 yards of that stand.
  18. Killed a PY buck coming into a scrape I doctored with Tinks 69 gel. Also have had on many occasions bucks checking out scent bottles left on trees. I think it helps but to each his own.
  19. Do you have rules with your neighbors? No, 10 yard, 30 yard, 50 yard, you see'em shoot'em? It's never been a problem for me but you never know when "old mossy horns" is 30 yards on you neighbors property, what to do!!!!
  20. Maybe I should put a piggy bank out there!
  21. No I didn't. Never knew where they came from??????/
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