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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Sorry guys not to put the kabosh on things but you better have some other nice things for her to open after that laptop. I'm not saying that a laptop isn't a great gift. It will get old real quick opening up accessories to the laptop. Remember Men are from mars and women from venus! Get my drift?
  2. Depends on who's cooking it! no difference here.
  3. Can't help you with this one, I'm a RANGER fan!
  4. Gang, My property has NYSEG lines that run through the property. They really are no big deal. Most of the line is above the corn field and through a little bit of woods. I was trying to contact NYSEG so they don't spray to kill the trees and vegetation under the ROW through the woods. I would like them to use mechanical means to do this. Anyone know what my rights may be. I'm sure I can contact my lawyer and he would know but I thought I'd try here first being there are many landowners on the board. Thanks, Burt
  5. Got to love those long tines! Nice buck.
  6. I had a big one come in and his antlers were dark brown from base to tip. Also have seen a big racked buck in the area with bone white antlers. Solon's explaination seems right.
  7. They push the deer coming and going and this time of year the deer will get up and mill about around noon after they have bedded for a while. Opening weekend it's the guys pushing the deer, they will settle into normal patterns later in the season when all is quiet.
  8. I don't think that this is the cause for this buck but Geno's buck could of had a burrowing bug get into the antler when in velvet and cause the defect. I've seen this in the past.
  9. Everybody is in the woods pushing deer. Stay all day, High alert times are first light, 10 am, noon, 2 pm and last hour of light. Hear shots face in that direction and look for fleeing deer. Bring some food and beverage, hopefully you'll be back at camp with your deer by 9am.
  10. I tried to compare it to mine and it looks close. My deer has 11" tines. He also gets both browtines included. Regardless it is still a huge six point over 100 pts.
  11. Here is the picture of the big six taken this year. It was shot in Cayuga city and green scored 117.
  12. We leave Friday night, be at camp around 11. Just me and my Bro this year. 3 days to get'er done! weather looks great!
  13. I do the same exact thing Eddie. No problem getting to that ladder. I had the kid get a HSS vest and pushed him towards using ladder stands.
  14. Good thing to do, I would of done the same. Hunting 35 years now and can't say I have ever been on either side of the fence.
  15. Thanks-yes that's a cool rack. His right side is also bladed out so it's about 5 " wide where all the points meet.
  16. Thanks for the info NYantler. Here is a picture of mine, the deer in the middle. It does have 7pts but the scorer said because the other browtine is missing it gets scored as a 6pt. Official score was 111. I remember the spread being around 22". I'll work on getting pictures of the other deer, it was killed this year. My deer was killed back in 91. Thanks, Burt
  17. Hey Zem, We all have these years. My girls and I just ate the last pieces of venison from last year. I hope this is a good sign for next week! Good luck at camp, aim small miss small! Good luck, Burt
  18. Guys, Just talked to my nephew this morning and a friend of his shot a big 6pt. It scored close to 120. He was told very few 6 pts have ever been taken over the 100pt score. He is actually getting some type of recognition from, I think, P/Y. What's your take take on this? Back in 1991 I shot a big 6pt that scored 111pts. It was officially scored and recorded. Any thoughts?
  19. We really suck at this bow thing! Looking back through the years I never shot a deer over 20 yards with the bow. I have to find an outdoor 3d range and shoot more often. Next year, I vow, to practice more!
  20. Hunted for 35 years now, first year using a harness, I'll never look back. It will always be a part of my huting gear.
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