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New York Hillbilly

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by New York Hillbilly

  1. I have always used the same strategy. When I first started bow hunting almost forty years ago, I hunted from the ground. I always sat under the same apple tree next to a funnel between to hay lots. I used to pick up the apples under the tree and crush and rub them all over me, my clothes and my hat. The only down side was my hands would get all sticky which would drive me whacky and on warm days would have the flies crawling all over me. LOL! And while I never shot a deer from that stand because I was to afraid to actually shoot at one for fear I would wound it and not recover it (was shooting cedar arrows/two blade broad heads/recurve bow), I did have deer almost step on me in that stand. Exciting stuff! Today I have about 70 Acres of scrub apple and tangled up ravines that never have a hunter step foot in unless to recover a deer that has been shot, that is the central part of my land. It is the safety zone/sanctuary for the deer and I (and who ever I have with me) hunt around it. Apple trees rule!
  2. Thanks for the heads up 7J, I'll look it up.
  3. Welcome to the site. And after reading all the rules I've determined those VT officials sure are a funny lot! Do they really think........... "It is illegal to import or possess legally taken deer or elk, or parts of deer or elk, from states and Canadian provinces that have had Chronic Wasting Disease, or from captive hunt or farm facilities with the following exceptions: "Upper canine teeth with no tissue attached" LOL if deer start growing these I give up and hunt ducks!
  4. Welcome................and where in Wyoming........and why?
  5. Thank you for serving........be safe.........and welcome to NY in December.
  6. Well then there you go. Deer are not afraid of horses. But, they should be if they are Amish! LOL!
  7. Got a 7M landowner permit, and a 7J. I need to find someplace to hunt in 7J now.
  8. Never mind I got rid of my thoughts because ..........the whole topic makes me sad!
  9. Now I know I'm blind.............I never saw the coyote in the last picture. No wonder I saw so few deer this year. LOL!
  10. I must need better glasses.....lol.........looks like a red fox to me.
  11. steve863.....i'm home sick with pneumonia (i think) and your response bout made me damn near choke to death laughing. This is cold and flu season and the first time in a year I had to miss a day due to sickness, so I got to thinking, "why is this kid home and not in school?" Maybe he has a bad fever and a little foggy on the details of his story. In any event it was an interesting read and I could picture it in my mind. Gotta like the story telling ability, true or not. LOL! Who knew Gilbertsville would be home to the next Steven King and maybe the 91 pound coyote was really Cujo. Keep the stories coming Robinson446...I like to read them and the responses to them as well. Oh and if you are home from school sick, I hope you feel better soon so you can get back to school.
  12. The dog does look half starved to me. Little doubt in my mind the hungry animal killed them to survive and now is protecting it's kill. The owner should be prosecuted for animal cruelty and made to pay you back for the loss of your animals. If on my property, over my dead pet, in that physical condition and coming at me barking to protect it's food source which was my former pets, it would be shot on the spot. I put up with a lot of crap over the years with other people's dogs running deer, getting into garbage on my property and just hanging out being a nuisance, and have never once put a target on one. But, if any had ever threatened the safety of me, my family, or my pets........game over! Dog is starved, dog standing guard over my dead pets, dog now growling and threatening me............= dead dog, call to DEC and a court date for neighbor. Sorry about your loss and problem with jerk neighbors. Keep safe!
  13. Or............."mouse-turd".....lol!
  14. That sandwich just needs a little "cat-chup" LOL!
  15. rtozer, What can you tell me about life in San Angelo? I have a recruiter that tried to get me to move there and I was afraid there would be more hunting for me, so I passed for the time being.
  16. Two thumbs up........one for the video and one for the music! Nice shoot placement as well....or should I say "arrow deliverance". LOL!
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