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New York Hillbilly

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by New York Hillbilly

  1. The dog does look half starved to me. Little doubt in my mind the hungry animal killed them to survive and now is protecting it's kill. The owner should be prosecuted for animal cruelty and made to pay you back for the loss of your animals. If on my property, over my dead pet, in that physical condition and coming at me barking to protect it's food source which was my former pets, it would be shot on the spot. I put up with a lot of crap over the years with other people's dogs running deer, getting into garbage on my property and just hanging out being a nuisance, and have never once put a target on one. But, if any had ever threatened the safety of me, my family, or my pets........game over! Dog is starved, dog standing guard over my dead pets, dog now growling and threatening me............= dead dog, call to DEC and a court date for neighbor. Sorry about your loss and problem with jerk neighbors. Keep safe!
  2. Or............."mouse-turd".....lol!
  3. That sandwich just needs a little "cat-chup" LOL!
  4. rtozer, What can you tell me about life in San Angelo? I have a recruiter that tried to get me to move there and I was afraid there would be more hunting for me, so I passed for the time being.
  5. Two thumbs up........one for the video and one for the music! Nice shoot placement as well....or should I say "arrow deliverance". LOL!
  6. Prices vary a great deal. Less work than a wood stove. If power goes out you're sunk with the pellet stove. Can vent them easily and easier to clean than wood in my opinion. Biggest downside as far as I'm concerned is the mechanical/electrical aspect of them. If you are handy and can fix things on your own (I do) it takes the bite out, but parts are pricey, and if you use as your only source you might consider keeping a few spare parts around. For my models the augar motors have been the weakest link. Both are better than oil though as far as I'm concerned if only for the shove it factor.
  7. lol..............good one Bubba....lol
  8. never mind i'm moving on from this one......
  9. Yup........big difference with the hardwood. Usually 3 1/2 tons a year for me as well, to heat just under 2400 SQ FT. Pretty cheap compared to oil, but still a lot of work for the pleasure of flipping off the oil companies.
  10. I have not purchased a gallon of oil in 5 years now. It was not only about the freaking money but about making the criminal oil companies richer. Yup how often do we hear "drill baby drill" but then see our oil being sold to the highest bidder over seas. Just like the insurance companies, the oil companies have lots of money to buy lots of time on the TV to portray themselves as our "friends", "neighbors" and about doing good. Yeh.....right! Keep puking down everyone's throats and winning them over. In the meantime we can talk to each other from our deer stands, send pictures to our computers from the darkest most remote places on earth (and off earth), yet we still need to scour the woods or carry forty pound bags of wood pellets on our backs to heat our homes. When it comes to heating our homes how is this any different than a third world country? On one hand I love my pellet stoves because it shoves it up the A$$ of the oil companies (even if only in a very small way) and on the other it infuriates me because of the grip they have over us on keeping us dependent on them. I worked on boilers and furnaces for years and can tell you getting them to burn alternative fuel is easy and is the way to go rather than making fuel for highly computerized cars. Make a cheap bio based fuel for heating and you would glut the market with oil and force them to take the next couple steps to refine it to gas to get rid of it. In effect you could knock the bottom right out from under them. Stop worrying about making bio gas for cars, just make it for heating and running industrial boilers and watch what would happen. Anyway, in the meantime I guess I'll stick with my pellet stove to stay warm and grumble about my sore back while lugging the bags into the house. Sorry about the venting!
  11. Tell him you plan to post your story in the editorial section of the local news paper to serve as a warning for anyone else thinking of making the same mistake.
  12. Wicked shot! Thanks for sharing the video. Now come whack the big ones off my place. I'm thick with them.
  13. Me and the beagles gonna do some bunny running.
  14. Merry Christmas fellow board members!
  15. Southern Oneida County in 7M. Bow season was seeing some pretty good movement and I passed on a couple little bucks and does. Firearm season, deer sign everywhere, too warm during the day and only moving a night. Muzzle loader season got colder with lots more movement and deer seen, but only had one weekend and two evenings to hunt. I passed several does with ML, and saw one BIG buck when he busted out of the hedgerow behind my house after the first shot my brother in law made at a target trying to site in his new ML. It was the big boy I tried to find all season up on my hill, and here he was sleeping behind my house, no doubt all season long. It figures I put about 150 hours in on stand, give or take, and this big fella watched me pass by him the entire season as I headed up the hill. LOL! Like I said before, they don't get that big being stupid. LOL! Not my best season but sure glad I made it to and through another.
  16. My nick name for years up here has been Baldy. My neighbors from the city (great people by the way) used to crack me up when they would ask me when they came up at deer season..........."Hey Bwaldy wehz da (and a bad word said real funny but I wont write for fear of getting yelled at...LOL!) deeaz?" LOL! What accent? LOL!
  17. Typically I get on stand about a 1/2 hour before light till 10AM then head back to the house. I go back out for the last 2 1/2 hours. I have to so much to do around the house this time of year because of the long hours I work all year, the "honey do" list is long.
  18. The whole story on the land owner being "protected" is not as it seems. The law protects landowners from having to pay damages by those who might sue them, but it does not stop them from being sued. I have a friend who is a landowner (as am I), and he and his elderly (now deceased) dad had to pay out tens of thousands of dollars to lawyers to represent them once, when they were sued by a hunter. It was a heart breaking situation all the way around and I will not going to details, but suffice it to say that nobody won. Did they pay out damages....."no".........did they get sued........"yes"..........is that land now posted....."yes"........and since that time being chunked off and sold as building lots never to be hunted again. For the record, I don't post my land because of "insurance". I post my land because it is my property, my backyard, and I invite those I wish to into my yard. It is a simple matter of respect that I would not cross your yard, sneak into your home, so why would you do it to me or anyone else just because our yard might be bigger than you think is appropriate. If you have some common sense, decency, and respect for others, the "law" would be irrelevant.
  19. Nice job...........enjoyed the video. Also, that place you are hunting looks awful familiar to me but I won't say where in case I was right. I would not want to give up your honey hole. LOL! Thanks for sharing the video.
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