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New York Hillbilly

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Everything posted by New York Hillbilly

  1. I use my 12 gauge/improved cylinder/6 shot on cottontails and 12 gauge/modified/5 shot on hare.
  2. I'll be hunting everyday from November 19th through December 4th. Worked like a dog all year to pull this off and can't wait! Next week I'll get to bow hunt for the first couple hours every morning now that the clocks are going to get set back. That is if I can drag my old tired bones out of bed in the morning. LOL
  3. They have been rough on my beagles a couple of times over the years. Hey...just gut them and toss the whole thing onto a BBQ grill and you will have a party serving size of already skewered meats. LOL!
  4. Got me thinking of my youth......yummmmm.....cheese curd from the Colosse cheese factory. Too bad people have turned into such jerks!
  5. Flat tires? Yikes! That's all state land isn't it? There would be holy hell to pay if some knucklehead pulled that stunt on me while I was hunting. Perhaps DEC should cruise through there more.
  6. 19" to 20" Nice buck, good luck, go get him!
  7. Well after reading all these posts I figured I chime in. LOL! Sorry about the length of the post but you all gave me lots to think about. I have read all about those who have no problem shooting does, fawns or does with fawns and I figure "hey why not if it's legal and it works for you then go for it". For others the thought of shooting a fawn is not something they choose to do but a spike or four pointer is a true trophy, again if it's legal, who should tell another they need to live up to someone else's standard of what makes a trophy? I myself have been fortunate enough to take many deer over the years and have some really nice bucks on the wall, and have let many a small buck walk past me. I have also taken many a smaller buck over the years and have felt just as fortunate and proud of them. Did I pay big money to mount them? No, but I still kept them all and can recall the story of each, and how I can to harvest them, and they tasted just as good. Heck, from time to time late in the season I will even take a doe if the freezer is low, the doe is big, and she is alone. LOL! But, I think it was what G-Man said that really rings with me. The last thing I want as a landowner, tax payer, or citizen is to have the government impose one more rule or mandate on me. A sure fire way to make me want to shoot a small buck is to dictate to me as a hunter and land owner that I can't. Lastly, this is just a question to the argument of superior genetics. I think it will only apply to the antlers and there will be a lot of stupid, big racked deer running around. If survival of the fittest applies, then only the smartest or craftiest bucks are making it to their third, forth and so on years. If we start give the dullards a free pass through deer season are we really promoting survival of the best?
  8. Thanks Fletch for the welcome. I'm not to sure about some of the areas you mention, I would need to look at the map. Isn't there a lot of state land up your way?
  9. Well at 5PM down the hill comes a medium sized doe and just behind her comes her one fawn. Mom stops 12 yards from me and is perfectly broad side. She stops in my shooting lane, paws and pokes around in the leaves and then walks away. Her little one watches for s second and then follows along just like she is supposed to. Oh well I guess I'm just to old to change my ways.
  10. LOL! I realize the picture is a close up but, now I'm looking at the size of that poop in relation to the leaves it is laying on. If it is as big as it looks to me, a grouse to poop that big would be very easy to spot in the woods. It would have to either be the huge twenty pound grouse or the little one with the BIG BULGING EYES from straining!
  11. Turkey......more specifically.....a gobbler or tom turkey. Hen poop looks like splattered white paint but males seem to poop more formed and in a "J" shape. Not sure why this is so. My land is the most sought after turkey hunting spot in the area much to my dismay, and they roost here sometimes in excess of a hundred birds at a time. Under the roost trees is where I have seen both the paint type and the "J" type. NYH
  12. Maybe thats not really a coyote, and that is not a jar. It might be Astro (George Jetson's) dog here for a visit and the thing on his head is his space helmet.
  13. I have never been able to bring myself to do it. It is legal though and they say good deer management, so i would not look down my nose at others who do. However, it has been my experience hunting my land (and living on it every day) since 1991, that it's a crap shoot for the fawns once she is gone. They just don't have enough experience getting through their first deer season or winter, and usually end up in somebody's freezer just like momma or being picked off by coyotes.
  14. Thank you for the welcome John. I hope this site gets real active, it is one of the nicest ones I've seen.
  15. Hey all I'm new to this site, and am really impressed with the quality of it ,and the stories and pictures. I am interested in hunting most everything but deer hunting and running beagles is my primary interest over the years. I would like to meet someone with land to hunt in 7J for possible swap to hunt in 7M. If it sounds interesting chime in. Not really interested to swap tags at this time but might be open to that down the road. Good luck to all this deer season, have a safe and fruitful season. NYH
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