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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by apoallo

  1. I really feel for those that just start out and dont know anyone who hunts or has any interest. But everyone is right asking the day of or second day of opening is more than likely not going to happen. I like helping new comers but would NEVER lend any of my firearms. one twig snap newbie turns and BOOM.... out sorry I just shot a person then my firearm(s) get taken away. any newbie I have helped I only did so once they purchased their our gun and go some range time under their belt..
  2. The day my wife or at the time my fiance knew how serious hunting was to me was when we were planning our wedding a few years ago and we were on a roll setting dates venues etc... then all of a sudden hunting season came and I disappeared and all planning came to a hault. she was pissed at the time but laughs about it now. Now she will pack me a light snack/lunch for the mornings I plan on going out. Wonderful women I have!!
  3. try looking on craigslist also I have seen a few postings for leasing before. Just do your homework and meet the people and se the property before sending any $$$
  4. have never heard of such a thing.... come to think of it. I havent gotten a single tick on me this whole summer so far. been doing alot of scouting in the woods. and not a one. I make my wife check each time.
  5. Every year in opening morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  6. Hey great ideai think your on to something here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  7. I got a bear in my can pull from today and a nice 5 point zoom in the picture he doesn't have any brow tines! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  8. I wish it were a crystal ball cam tells me what will be there opening daySent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  9. Dates are off Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  10. if you zoom on the buck picture with his head turned you can see some bumps and lumps on his neck.. Fly bites maybe??
  11. So I have a bunch of pictures but only putting up a few. Interesting since I put this camera out I have had 4 bucks (2 spikes a 5 and a 6 point) all of which have very uneven antler growth on their left sides Bad gene's im assumng. none the less I enjoy getting the pictures. I also have my first Bear sighting on the cam as well. here are a few pictures. I am making one last pull of pictures at the beginning of november and then thats it. I dont wanna go in there any more unless its hunting season. so far each time I go in(only one enterance) I seem to kick up at the same 2 deer that seem to bed about 40 feet from my treestand....I dont know much about bear so couldnt tell how big it was really In fact I have never seen one in the wild before... .
  12. public land is located on Orange Turnpike in Monroe. get your permit from the Palesades parkway commission. . BEWARE: opening day of rifle dozens upon dozens of cars and trucks lined up to hunt.
  13. You can contact the sheriff department (corrections) in Goshen and get a permit to Bow hunt their land. last year only 2 people applied for it . They have TONS of Land and Even more deer. shooter bucks and doe as far as the eye can see
  14. I live in Monroe and hunt there also. I dont have any problems with slow deer movement or places to hunt. 2 spots I have in monroe are right now HOT from my trail cam pics.. plenty of doe and a few nice bucks. one spot I have is good for Bow only.
  15. Hasenpfeffer and eggs its called. Hase is German for 'hare' and Pfeffer is German for '(black) pepper There are a number of ways to cook it with a bunch of spices and all but I keep it simple and use the natural flavors of the animal
  16. breakfast time. thin sliced rabbit on a frying pan with a little butter and some pepper. once 3/4 way cooked add eggs and stir, once eggs are cooked to your liking put in belly then sit on couch and watch hunting shows on the outdoor channel
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg Mind the foul language on this video please
  18. I love the H&R I have the ultra slug hunter deluxe in 12 g with bushnell banner scope I use the lightfield slugs. If your interested in trying a new ammo try the lightfields i shoot no bigger than 2" groups at 120 yards with mine, 3 shots. plus the 12 g slugs are a little over 500 grain tons of knockdown power upon impact no pass thrus either which I like the most
  19. good luck to you hope get will be satisfied with your hunt this season and heal quickly!!
  20. last year I got my wall mount. the 2 seasons prior I passed on everything that I didnt think would look good on my wall. even passed on the doe's. if you dont shoot there is always a chance you wont get a thing. but if you fill your tag too soon there is that chance that a bigger buck will come out after or in the next few days..... Hunting is a game of chance. you can do things to improve your odds (scouting trail cams etcc) but at the end of the day their is no guarentee. Whether you get a big buck or not it is always an excellent experience in my opinion. For people just starting out Definitely a growth step. Getting a few under your belt is a good idea. it keeps the itch itchy for years to come.
  21. sometimes I wish my wife would take more interese in my hobbies...(hunting and fishing) she will go fishing but when it comes to hunting she doesnt want to hear about it or see it. . so what did I do? I put a buck on my wall.lol I actually enjoy the time I spend alone in the woods. on a slow day I have been known to doze off. feels good when i wake up.
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