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kpkot last won the day on May 25 2019

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    Pendelton ny

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  1. 150 lbs? How many acres are you seeding? I just did 8lbS
  2. That's pretty cool. I would assume 1.5 so that was done this year? Quick heal time it seems? That's crazy for bone to calcify like that in response to injury.
  3. I have dreams of arrows colored like that.
  4. I prepared for an all day sit. Was hoping it was one of those 2 hr sits. Still sitting . Ate my sandwich. Couple small bucks and 2 yearlings.... onward
  5. I have a stand of swamp hickory that the deer hit. It's super loud when they eat them.
  6. I have seen 10 bucks in last 2 days. 5 were shooters for me. 2 were wall hangers for some. I hear you on the meat spoilage but if you got one let me know I'd help u process.
  7. Passed on this buck. Antlers excluded to avoid any judgment.
  8. 40 Minute walk in this am. Got to treestand go to put arrow on bow....... and quiver fell off. Backtracked all the way to house and quiver was about 80 yds from backdoor. Walking back to house with a unloaded bare bow felt so unbelievably awful. I thought for sure i would see a monster buck bring murphys law. Anyways took my ball and went home.
  9. Thought it was what's for dinner haha
  10. We did a charter. What a blast. Everyone got a lobster too we checked pots at end of trip. 400 pollock the boat caught. Cooked everything st the rental we got.
  11. Watch him. I love #wolcisms they are one of my favorite things to read on this site. @wolc123 don't take this personally
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