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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Actually, I killed a button buck a few years ago and found the meat to be rubbery. I expected it would be tender, but that was not the case at all.
  2. Unfortunately, if you don't vote for Paladino, you are helping Cuomo get elected. Paladino may be a wacko, but he is for smaller government and lower taxes. Too bad he can't just stick to those issues and keep his mouth shut about anything else he has an opinion on! :
  3. Weather by me is supposed to be partly cloudy, low of 37 and high of 54 with an 18 mph wind. Rain seems unlikely, but that kind of wind isn't good.
  4. I'm in sales and work on commission. This year is terrible. I see more closed businesses than ever before. Many malls have half of their stores up for rent and the ones that are still open have negotiated a lower lease. Business owners are not buying anything unless they have to. They aren't hiring new employees either because the public isn't spending money. They are all in survival mode trying to stay in business and keep their costs down. If Cuomo gets elected, many of them feel it's all over.
  5. Pen raised deer are really getting out of control. :
  6. Now see, that one didn't need sound at all. ;D
  7. Maybe if I could understand what they were saying, I could get it.
  8. Welcome to the forums NH. Me thinks you be a might PARANOID! Rounds flyin' past you? You just escape Afghanistan?
  9. I've heard a guy is building one in Treadwell, near Delhi, NY. Rumor says it will be leased by the day for $200 and you can have as many shooters as you like. There will also be a dirt road along the side to drive to the target to check your shots. I don't know if he has finished it yet though.
  10. Seems as if recoil is the big worry for your son. A .243 has the least amount of recoil energy, but you have to be sure the bullets used are of good quality for deer hunting in order to hunt deer with a .243 rifle. Even with perfect shot placement, if the bullet in a .243 round expands too fast, or explodes on impact, that deer is not going down. If you use a 100 grain Nosler Partition in a .243, it will do the job if the shooter does his. Any good deer bullet in the .243, that weighs 95 grains or more, will be good for deer hunting. Having said that, the 7mm-08 is a much better round for a lifetime of deer hunting and has almost the same amount of recoil energy. "Felt" recoil often has a lot to do with the design of the rifle. A rifle that fits the shooter well, equipped with a good recoil pad, will have a lot less "felt" recoil than a poor fitting rifle with a lesser chambering. Also, young shooters can develop a fear of a rifle or shotgun due to the noise and muzzle blast. Be sure he is wearing plenty of hearing protection to minimize the noise as much as possible. Good eye protection is essential for a young shooter to be sure he keeps his sight. The more protective equipment a youngster has on, the safer that youngster will feel shooting the gun. So let him tell you what he wants to wear prior to shooting the gun. I've had kids decide to use ear plugs and muffs, safety glasses, gloves and a recoil reduction pad (or a folded up bath towel) for the first few rounds fired, only to remove the gloves and the recoil pad after about 10 shots. Once they know they can handle a rifle when well protected, they won't feel as insecure about shooting it in the field. Initially, let him shoot standing up and forget about the accuracy. Standing feels like less recoil compared to shooting from a bench. Needless to say, it is best to start with the lightest recoiling rifle and work up to the bigger guns as he feels he wants to.
  11. I've had success with rattling and grunting. I don't wait until it's dead in the woods though. I'll use them anytime I think the time is right. I've grunted a few bucks into bow range when they wouldn't have come in otherwise and have rattled a few bucks in when I knew they were around.
  12. I told you this topic would turn into a debate.
  13. Archery hunter in Mercer County dies in tree accidentEmailPrintShareThis Published: Sun, October 3, 2010 @ 7:57 p.m.Staff Report north beaver township, pa. Pennsylvania State Police in Lawrence County found William E. Henry, 67, of McClain Road, Enon Valley, Pa., dead on Sunday. Police were alerted by his family who said Henry went archery hunting at 3:30 p.m. Saturday but never returned home. Police found the victim’s truck and searched his usual hunting area. Police found Henry in a tree, where his climbing-type tree stand apparently slipped and caused him to become suspended by the safety rope attached to his backpack. The victim was wedged between the tree and tree stand, and the safety straps around his body cut off circulation. Police said cause of death was asphyxiation.
  14. No they aren't checking your tool, just the condom. How about the Rubber Ranger?
  15. I had a Zeiss Conquest on a rifle I sold. The only thing I didn't like was the focus adjustment on the eyepiece. I couldn't use the adjuster with the Butler Creek flip open lens caps on the scope. It was real clear though.
  16. That's right. Pretty soon the government will mandate condom use to prevent STD's, except with the proper permits and background checks to allow one to have a kid. There will be a line of people from here to California for all of the new inspector positions the law will create! Who say Obama can't create new jobs in the US!
  17. Hmmmm......Let's debate this issue. ;D If we start a debate forum, the other forums might go wanting. All things considered, I like the idea! A good debate on an issue is very informative, provided people debate politely and not degenerate into name calling and innuendo.
  18. I have many Leupold scopes and prefer them to other brands, but I also have a few Nikons, and recently bought a new Redfield Revolution scope in 4x12x40mm with the Accu-Range reticle that has really impressed me for the $200 I paid for it. What do you like?
  19. People used the old safety belts years ago, but many got hurt or died using them. So the harness issue moved up to thew full body type. These things can just keep moving forward until they make hunting impossible.
  20. Never heard of that issue. Maybe someone got access to the gift card numbers somehow and used them. Cabela's should be told to find who used it and prosecute them. You sure a member of your family didn't use it without telling you?
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