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Everything posted by ants

  1. LOL!!!! Silly little humps! I don't see this going anywhere. These people ,who's actual job it is to protest, are so comical.
  2. A couple years ago the farmer, who owns the property I hunt, put in oats and the deer loved them. They were in it all the time.
  3. I'd want that hen on my softball team.....Just kidding.
  4. It's still a hen. I'd let it pass. Let her raise a nest.
  5. I thought he just said that he owns a Remington shotgun (which I'm sure is B.S.) He probably just said that to connect with "The little people"
  6. Congrats !! I hunted for a few years before i got my first Tom so I know the feeling. It was worth the wait. Now go get #2 !
  7. Congrats!! Im still working on #1 LOL
  8. And of course it has to be a nice Tom!!
  9. Maybe they should march right to the boarder of Virginia and D.C., have their protest and then turn back. I don't know if intentionally breaking the law, in this case, is such a good idea. Anyone who has been to D.C. knows that security is tight. I don't think that D.C. Police or the secret service are going to be too receptive to having 1000 people walk in to the area, armed and loaded. The protesters might force the hand of the Police and that wouldn't look good for gun owners. We took the kids to D.C. about 3 yrs. ago. one day we went to the white house. Security allowed you to stay, close to the front of the building, for a very short period of time. Maybe a half an hour. Once the time was up, security wanted everyone out and they were not nice about it.
  10. Yes most cops have a decent retirement system, but that is changing. No.. cops are not paid a lot of money, and NO!.. cops do not "sign up" to be shot at with fully automatic weapons while they are only armed with a pistol. The fact that your main focus is on the cops, and not the piece of s--t with the machine gun is very telling. Why don't you throw in a donut joke while you're at it.
  11. I couldn't hunt last year, because I was hurt. Almost every day I would see a flock of turkeys (including some nice toms) hanging around a guys side yard and gravel driveway, at a house next to the property I hunt. Its funny and depressing at the same time.
  13. Try sleeping in and head out a little later. Give the hens time to be bred . the toms will want more hens. Don't get too uptight about no gobbling, if you know birds are in the area then they are there. A few years ago I took 2 nice toms and my hunting partner took a third. We also screwed up on a couple and passed on some Jakes. .....We never heard a single gobble that whole season!!!! They all came in quiet.
  14. Some gobbling early on (kind of far off) At around 8 I set up on the edge of a field. started calling. ..10 or 15 min later I hear wicked yelping and clucking from across the field. The duration of the yelps seemed way too long so I thought it was another hunter. I was saying to myself "this @#$%@!! is calling way too much. Sure enough, around 10 min later, over a little knoll in the field comes a hen yelping her head off. I figured that she calls better than me so I let her have at it. She would scratch, peck yelp...scratch, peck yelp all while walking towards me. After a few min I caught movement on the other side of the field, maybe 150 yds straight across from me. It was 2 Toms sparing, while the stink'n hen kept yelping away. The Toms never came in but the hen got within 3 or 4 paces of me!!!I thought for sure that the Toms would be horned up enough to work their way over to the hen and give me a shot but no. The hen moved into the woods to my right and the Elton John type Toms disappeared over the knoll. It was still cool. Thats hunting.
  15. Funny...this morning at about 5:40 I heard two shots less than 2 sec. apart and a third maybe 10 sec. later...BANG..BANG.............BANG. I thought to myself "whats he doing ? chasing the thing??
  16. Try to make a big wide half circle in one direction or the other. (If you can do it with out getting busted) Set up and call with a different call than you were using. This has worked for me in the past so has the walking away hen ploy, that TeeBugg mentioned.
  17. Yup....It has bitten me in the a$$ more than once, but on a few occasions it worked out.....
  18. Congrats and happy birthday!!! Thats the problem with calling on the run....you run the risk of lighting up a bird that is close by and ready to run in, before you can set up. But you played it well. Congrats.
  19. They were sounding off pretty good. I passed on another Jake at about 7.A little while later nice tom out in a field with 3 hens. He wouldn't budge. I think he was the same bird that answered me 10 mins. before I spotted him. Had to leave early to help my brother (pissed) ..... hitting them hard tomorrow. Good luck.
  20. Very nice..Congrats.
  21. MAN I hope thats true, but it seems too good to be !
  22. Too bad you didn't have a pan of warm water with you..LOL!!
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