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Everything posted by ants

  1. We agree on the whole non Islamic terrorist thing. I just find it odd that you concentrate so intently on them, while Islamic terrorists are completely indescrimanent in their killing, torturing and raping and by far the biggest threat to innocent people world wide. Black Lives matter is another shining example of true,unfabricate hate and racist hypocrisy. Just listen to them. Who on this sight praised killing of abortion Doctors, bombing of clinics threatening Federal workers and armed stand offs?
  2. Who ever said that?? Or once again are you just making things up?? You do know that this is the political section……right?? LOL!!
  3. But…..Why put it into a quiche??? Why not reheat it,,,,, like a guy would do????
  4. HEY!!!! I had a beautiful apricot quiche for lunch and it was FABULOUS !!!! So back off man!!!! Sorry Turkeyfeathers…..just busting…...
  5. Black lives matter is proving to to be nothing but a racist hate group. But Shhhhhh. "White lives matter tweets about killing men and black folks" Can you freaking imagine???? They are the true filthy racists. But once again….Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  6. Whats that they say about real men and quiche ???
  7. The wife and kids are out tonight so I just picked up a turkey sub…..Kind of boring..
  8. Yup thats exactly what it was…I use to love it!! Every night after dinner we would hop cars (as long as there was snow on the roads) or go sledding. The local park, that was only a few blocks away, had huge hills that were lighted at night. You had to be sneaky, when hopping cars, because some drivers would get pissed and scream at you or chase you down. I remember these two hippies. (circa 1974) One was driving a van and towing a robins egg blue VW bug, with a chain. The other hippie was steering the bug. We tried to hop the bug and these two twenty something year old hair bags chased me and my two friends for a few blocks before giving up. a lot of people would see us and just point to their back bumper, as if to say "hop on". The good old days
  9. Right wing, left wing, extremists who would kill innocent people exist and they are as big pieces of filth at Islamic extremists. But I think that in recent years? right now, Islamic extremists are a far bigger threat to the U.S. and the world, then any other group. Buzz…Im sorry for the friends you lost on 911, but how many friends have you lost to right wing nut jobs??
  10. Oh man…sand lot base ball, street hockey, tackle football, chase, water balloons, B-B guns, sling shots, mini bikes, jumping regular bikes off of home made ramps (that NEVER ended well), Cox cars, swimming at the local pool and hoping the life guard didn't remember you from the day before, fireworks….. The list goes on and on and thats just in the summer time. In the winter there was sledding, skating, pegging cars, hopping cars, snowball fights, X-Mas light grab, piling enough snow in the middle of the road so a car couldn't get by…..I'll think of more...
  11. ants

    I want

    New truck prices are insane!!! I have an 08 Titan that I bought new. 115K on it now, but its still going strong. I say find a good used truck, in good shape. Any of the big names will do fine. They all have their problems (Ford's tend to burn a little oil, later in life) , but any well maintained vehicle will run and run.
  12. You're in denial and/or a Jihadist apologist. You did mention McVeigh, not in your original post, but you did bring that scum bag up, a few posts later , but not the 911 scum bags.…… I will ask you…as far as Islamic scum killing Americans, how far back should we go??? Is 911 waaaaay too long ago? When is it too long to count?? I say never. But you say?????
  13. Just heard that on the radio. Today was his birthday too….....RIP Merle.
  14. Im not getting how you didn't mention McVeigh. And so you don't think that 911 should be included in the total of people killed in the U.S. by Jihadists ??
  15. Last year I was bow hunting and got to my stand a little too early. Pitch black. I was hanging out at the base of my tree, waiting for it to lighten up a little before climbing up. I didn't want to use my flash light and risk spooking something. All of the sudden "CRASH SNAP CRASH!!" right in front of me, sounded like with in 10 yards, and I couldn't see a thing. I assume it was a buck chasing a doe. I pulled out my light and lit the place up like a light house. The pucker affect lasted a good while.
  16. Great news!!! Congrats!!!!
  17. Obvious anti cop troll. Don't amuse the roach,
  18. Far right wing extremist, who would kill innocent people are scum. I get it. But With radical Islam causing so much death and suffering, world wide, why would you concentrate more on far right wing extremists ? You go back 20 years and bring up McViegh but you won't go back 15 years and include the people killed in 911 in your tally of people killed in the U.S. by Jihadists. Its always "since 911" Why? And I think the number of people killed in the U.S. by Jihadists "since 911" is more like 90.
  19. Ignorant, dirty rat who has no idea why he's there (other than to hate) or what he's even talking about. Na'm say'n ?? ..Na'm say'n?…Na'm say'n??…..Na'm say'n???
  20. Remeasured today and its more like 315 SF. So I screwed up before I even started. Oh yeah…… this should go good.
  21. Those things have taken years off my life!!!
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