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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Good luck to you down state guys. Stay safe & God bless.
  2. What a bunch of A- holes.....I would have a ball with these clowns!!! (after I got my deer)
  3. No big deal here (Northern Onondaga Co.) Wind and rain last night, Just a little breezy now. Never lost power & no damage. Just watched the news down state got pounded.
  4. Good point about the O-ring. Check the blades when they are locked back. If they are even a little loose replace the O-ring. If the blades deploy while the arrow is in flight, it will fly all over the place.
  5. Where on Rt. 11 is this place. Im in Cicero & never heard of it. Getting sick of Gander Mnt.
  6. ants

    Spare Arrows

    I carry 4. 3 with new broad heads and 1 with an older fixed blade in case I have to finnish one off up close (hasn't happened yet) or if I see a coyote and don't want to wast a good head.
  7. Onondaga Co. near Oneida Lake. So far so good ,,some wind & rain but not too bad. Fingers crossed. Good luck all. Stay safe
  8. I have two vipers. Love them. The bungee on one of mine broke this year. I just took a small bungee off of my atv racks, wrapped the metal hooks in duct tape ( so they wouldn't make noise on the metal frame) and hooked it across the platform where the old bungee was. Works as good as new. Shot a buck out if it the next day. No noise no problem...try it before you spend money sending out to the factory. Good luck
  9. Steel sucks...period. I don't know how many times I ,or one of my friends would blow half the feathers off of a duck, only to watch it fly off and coast down into the swamp several hundred yards off. We were all big bird hunters at the time and all decent shots. It's like hitting them with a ping pong ball as apposed to a baseball. I haven't duck hunted in a few years but unless steel has made huge improvements..... STEEL SUCKS!!!
  10. I used the Rage practice heads and then used one of the real broad heads. They flew the same. I even broke a knock off of an arrow that was in the target, when the broad head hit it. Who knows. But I think its a good idea to sacrifice one of your brad heads to make sure they fly good.
  11. Heard today that one of the seals that was killed, was painting a mortar position,with a laser, and requested an air strike on it that never came. While painting the target, and waiting, he gave up his position to the mortar crew, who were able to fire on him and kill him. What a f'kn disgrace!!! And most of the news agencies are not even talking about it. Disgusting
  12. Just drove past the local motel. There are 37 bucket trucks from a tree service in Alabama!!! parked in the lot.
  13. Saying "steel sucks" is an understatement. Steel shoots way tighter than lead and wont hit as hard as lead because its lighter. Try #4's and an IC choke, It should give you a denser pattern. that always worked the best for me. I always thought that you can't lead them too much with steel. The first time I went duck hunting I burned through 2 boxes of steel and dropped 2 ducks. I though something was wrong with the gun till I found out that STEEL SUCKS!!
  14. Im down by Oneida Lake. Schools getting out early, stores are out of water, batteries and a bunch of other things. I hope its not all that bad but Im ready. Good luck to all.
  15. Sounds too much like a money making thing (and thats fine) but I would pass. I remember hunting as a guest with a friend on land he leased. As far as he knew him and only 2 other guys, that he didn't know, leased it. When we got back to the truck, for a lunch break, there was a group of 8 guys who all had the same permission slips that my buddy did. Just too iffy.
  16. ants

    80.8 Degrees

    yup....it was in the mid 70's here. doing yard work all day & sweating my a$$ off!. Lucked out a couple weeks ago, during that cold snap haven't been out since. Cant get into it with this weather,.....Lawn looks good though!! LOL
  17. We will never change the hearts and minds of ignorant cavemen.
  18. gorwalot...thats how it works..disagree with a ticket then take it to court. A lot of times even if the ticket isn't dismissed the judge will reduce the charge.
  19. Man.. the stench was sooooooo bad!!!! worse part was I couldn't wash it off cuz it was baked on...Even oven cleaner didn't work.... I just had to wait till it burned itself off.......NASTY!!!!!
  20. Good buck! I remember when I bought my first brand new ATV. 99 Arctic Cat 300 4x4. I loved it. I got a buck during bow season and loaded it on the back rack of my shinny new machine. The thing still smelled new. Anyway I kinda loaded the deer wrong and blood spilled all over the exhaust and muffler. By the time I got back to the house I was gagging from the stench of the burnt blood which by that time had baked on and couldn't be washed off. That ATV stunk for the rest of the season.
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