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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I carry three extra in a fold over nylon shell holder in my pack.
  2. bubba

    making smoke

    i have been shooting the H&R sidekick. I stopped a couple weeks ago when it got too hot. Just no fun. Looking forward to a little cooler weather. I am shooting 70 grains by weight (87.5 by volume) and a harvestor crush rib with a 44 cal 240 grain flat nose lead bullet.
  3. yeah one of his original come backs. He is clever no doubt.
  4. No. I meant prescribe. I am a nurse practitioner with a specialty in psychiatric care. I am a team leader on a mobile mental health team and I work for the state. What I am worth is more than enough to stay very comfortable. What I own is priceless. OOPS I forgot to add with a masters degree in forensic nursing.
  5. funny it takes two but my name is the only one mentioned. Surprised? not really. I guess everything the other party posted was all good in your books? I believe i received much more mud than I sling, but you are entitled to your much biased opinion.
  6. yeah ok. You keep thinking that of it makes you feel better.
  7. looks like english to me. I am not sure what you are reading but you are slipping quick. I expect you will be passed out real soon. All you have is a typo to attack with pulleeassse. Now get the last word in as I will let you win ok. I have a life and am going to go enjoy the evening. I am sorry you are so mad at the world but again please stop pming me asking me out for a date. I am not gay sorry. You are so easy I could brain wash you with an eye dropper I swear.
  8. you are so far from a threat to me it isnt even worth mentioning. Now it is funny you are saying the things I said 5 posts ago about you come on get oiriginal because quite frankly you are getting boring. And you started the attacks and still do not respond to my legit points like show me where I condoned or defended Ted Nugent like you said I did. Oh and you forgot to call me fatty. You are slipping. Oh and BTW just FYI I am the guy who prescribes and administers the meds you refer to, and make more money in two days than you do in 2 weeks. Not that it matters, but I have nothing to be jealous of you for. But keep trying. It really shows everyone here what you are really like. What little credibility you have had is fading fast. Now have a happy 4th of July.
  9. ahahahaha hilarious, childish, immature, but hilarious if you are 5. And the funny part is I am sure to my face you would say none of that because you like both of your remaining teeth. Now you go have another beer I probably paid for and pass out ok. I am sorry I told turned down your sexual advances in your private message. First of all I was not aware you were that way and secondly I never figured you were so sensitive about rejection. Please do not pm me anymore, and this is my last response to your kiddy games ok.
  10. they can't help it Paula. It is the only argument they have. They can not logically argue for letting people trespass, so they have to call names. Kind of reminds me of a liberal I think. Number three for the idiot list.
  11. Please refer to the line that starts with The funniest thing if Ted Nugent breaks the law YOU run to his support. Since you were replying to my post, I would say you were referring to me. I see no pm yet to see what you own. But in all honesty, I did not expect one. Does calling me fatty give you wood in your pants? Because honestly it does not bother me at all. It simply shows you mentality or lack of it.
  12. Jesus Doe why so sensitive? Is it your time of the month? I again ask show me where I once said that I condoned Ted Nugent breaking the law. You accused me of it. As far as getting personal, please come up with a better way to prove your point, cuz that is a typical liberal let everyone walk all over what you own mentality. Please send me a post offline and we can compare assets anytime. Otherwise if you think this is bullying, your are a real wimp. This is just pointing out the stupidity in your posts. Please do not kill yourself because you feel picked on ok. Now as far as trespassers, they break the law regardless of age or if the PRIVATE land is posted. Look up the meaning of the word private. I know with your mindset, it is a new word to you, but it may help ok. Now send some more personal attacks to make yourself feel better about how you live. I am glad to be the recipient if your useless slams. Anything to help you feel better.
  13. off topic, but it was brought up. I like Ted's music, I think he is a freak of nature, and as far as him representing me in the field of hunting, not even close, and I never condoned his actions. Please show me one time I condoned him breaking the law? Just an attack to take the spotlight off your dumbass remarks. I am willing to bet doe that you don't even own the place you live in and probably lease a vehicle if you even have one. It sure did not take much to push your buttons, so I guess I hit close to home. If and I emphasize IF you ever own property of your own, I bet your outlook would be different. I do own land, and I figure since I pay the taxes on time every year, I have the right to say who does and does not come on it even if I do not have it posted. It is called land owner rights. But, as I stated you have no clue what that is I am sure. Did I say I would call the cops on the kid and the adult, umm nope. I said and will say again, They have no RIGHT to be there regardless of the reason.
  14. Come on everyone. It is a new world what belongs to you, now belongs to everyone and they can use it as they feel they want. BTW make sure you pay your taxes, so they can have the money to use for gas to get to your land. You rich bastards think you can buy something and keep it for yourself? I and everyone is entitled to use it as we see fit. Get used to it. Oh btw, this is tongue in cheek. I am an instructor, and one of the first things we teach is respect private property. This could happen in hunting season and if they got shot, the hunter would be in trouble. I can not believe that anyone could and would condone this behavior, and call them selves an ethical responsible hunter. If you condone this doewhacker, you should not be mentoring others. There I said it.
  15. central air on 68 loving it
  16. I refuse to wait until 10/1. I will be out with my bow on 9/27.
  17. it is ol tom or whatever who asked to be removed when he was called on hos story of a few archery instructors holding the state hostage over teaching crossBOW.
  18. no it is the model between the sigma and M&P it is called the sd40 (sd for self defense) Trijicon night sight on the front
  19. MATH QUIZ: Reveals your favorite movie!! I am very good at math, so I did it in my head, then on paper, and finally on a calculator just to confirm my numerical capabilities. Each time I got the same answer, and sure enough it IS my very favorite movie EVER! DO NOT cheat and scroll down to the movies. Do YOUR math, THEN compare the results to the list of movies at the bottom You will be AMAZED at how scary true and accurate this test is 1. Pick a number from 1-9. 2. Multiply that number by 3. 3. Add 3. 4. Multiply by 3 again. 5. Your total will be a two digit number. Add the first and second digits together to find your favorite movie (of all time) in the list of 17 movies below: Movie List: 1. Gone With the Wind 2. E.T. 3. Blazing Saddles 4. Star Wars 5. Forrest Gump 6. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 7. Jaws 8. Grease 9. The Obama Farewell Speech of 2012 10. Casablanca 11. Jurassic Park 12. Shrek 13. Pirates of the Caribbean 14. Titanic 15. Raiders of the Lost Ark 16. Home Alone 17. Mrs. Doubtfire Now, isn't that something?
  20. I had a liberty for a year. I traded it after some ignition problems and a horrible ride. It would go anywhere but the mileage really sucked. I traded it for a silverado and was much happier.
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