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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. wouldn't mind getting into it but a good handmade weapon that shoots well can run you a few Grand.
  2. Agreed!!!! I dont like that i have to look over my shoulder all the time now because of all the Bears. Might have to start shooting them!
  3. 7s say's medium and none? what happened there? It has been high and medium for as long as I could remember and it hasn't seemed to put a dent in the population! It looks like I better be sure I find a spot in 7r to hunt this yr.
  4. They breed like rats, I use to hunt them down in Lousiana and Alabama and it was nothing to see 30 of them between 150 and 300lbs apeice. I shot a 300 pounder one time and it was the worst drag ever out of a nasty swamp. There hair is really course and it collects every twig and leaf you drag them over. On the up side she was a sow and was rather delic!!!
  5. I must have looked like I was having seizures swatting at the mosquitoes while I was planting there must have been 10 on me at all times. At least the ticks aren't as bad as they have been.
  6. good Lord!! should be called the wagon of beasts!!!
  7. Planted mine up tonight so we'll see what happens. Get some pics up when your plot comes up.
  8. I had a guy last yr shoot a doe in the leg then ask the land owner for permission to track it across his land. He said ok and the guy proceeded to drive his 4 wheeler down every trail in the woods while 3 guys walked the entire property ( 200 acres) and I mean the entire property even though there was snow on the ground and a nice blood trail to follow. Then they proceeded to push the property next to that and shot a doe that ended up not even being the one he shot. Then he had the nuts to confront me about cutting down a ladder stand he had built on the property without permission to even hunt there and there are posted signs every 20 ft or so!!!. ( was real nice to, all nice new treated lumber, that I chopped up with a machete and left in a nice pile for him) ;D Since my uncle lives in the city he appointed me benevolent dictator over the land while he's not there, so I told him to not ever step foot on the property again!!
  9. even scarier are the ones way back in the woods that read trespassers will be shot! survivors will be violated!! ;D ;D ;D
  10. erussell

    How come?

    With todays shotguns and sabots you can shoot like a rifle to. I have killed several deer at 100 with open sights and sabots out of a shotgun. Only diff between a shotgun and a muzzleloader is you better hit them with the 1st shot because you don't have 4 more to back it up. Muzzleloader is much more of a challenge, though I would like to get a nice sidelock to make it even more of a challenge.
  11. just got back from seneca and cayga wine trail and stayed a night on senaca at a B and B that had soy all around it and all I can say is the deer are mammoth. I kept telling my wife there had to be some monsters in there with all that corn and soy I guess I was right!!! We also saw some of the albino deer deer on the Depo that was pretty cool.
  12. Sorry Got all my seed ready too. Hope to put in Wed, if not will have to do it next week. The deer ( and Bear) are already getting curious about what is going on, there are a lot of tracks all over the plot already
  13. Worked the plot for a few hrs last night. I got one of those PH testers and tested the soil. I came up with just under 6 which I think is higher than it really is. I added 200 lbs of lime and lightly worked it into the soil. Will let that sit for a week or so then test it again. Been getting lots of rain lately so I am itching to get the plot in, but don't want to plant to early.
  14. I planted an acre of winter rye one yr and it looked like every deer in the woods was visiting it. It came up fast but the deer never let it get taller than 2 inch's. It looked like I was mowing it all the time. Unfortunately they only visited it when I wasn't there.
  15. Good lord, why lob such a heavy bullet? Wouldn't 250gr shoot flatter?
  16. Saw a nice 6 today was kind of suprised how wide his rack was. Someone is going to be lucky this fall, not in an area I hunt.
  17. T/C is American owened so support them! F them Spanish made blow up in your face pcs of crap CVA's. > T/C now makes Nice smokepoles for under 300 there called Impacts take a look .
  18. I have a camo skinz face mask that I have used for yrs. It's skin tight and I cut holes in the side for my ears to stick out, and made the slit for your eye's a little bigger so I can uncover my nose easier. It's tight enough also where I can feel my kisser button in the side of my mouth and it doesn't interfere with my shooting. It's worth the money and there cheap, check them out here. They make them 1/2, 3/4 and full mask http://www.cabelas.com/link-12/product/0027083942489a.shtml?cmCat=perf&rid=0987654321&cm_mmc=Performics-_-CSE-_-GoogleBaseUSA-_-0027083942489a&mr:trackingCode=E8185DCC-958E-DF11-A0C8-002219318F67&mr:referralID=NA
  19. Hopefully they put in a early muzzleloader season during the 1st week of the regular gun season. That would be awesome ;D
  20. So from what I've read in the local news Patterson signed the bill into effect but it was changed before he signed it. So you can only use a crossbow during Gun, is that correct?
  21. Geeze with all the seasons and weapons they keep proposing prior to the gun season there isn't going to be any deer left for gun only hunters, if I was them I would be pissed. ;D
  22. Geno C Man thats a wide rack, whats the spread on that?
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