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hunter49 last won the day on May 28 2012

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About hunter49

  • Birthday 10/19/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    wny 14086
  • Interests
    hunting, fishing, grandkids

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    region # 9
  • Hunting Gun
    Knight Blk. powder
  • Bow
    martin BENGAL

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  1. Parker has full capture .300 lighted nocks but are going out of business. They had them on sale on their site. I got mine at Cabela's last week.
  2. I bought 22 LR shot shells at Caleba's & had to show drivers license & tell birthday.
  3. Sure wish I knew how to copy & paste. I am pretty sure that this is the correct bill number & the bill was about having to register all your guns pistols , shot guns & rifles in order to buy any ammo. A person would have to have back ground check & "they" will decide if you a safe enough to buy the ammo.. It is part of King Andy's safe act part #2. It had nothing to do with the use of parks. Also there was not yet an Assembly bill to go with it. Old age , can't copy & paste & can't remember where the "F" I saw it.
  4. Check out New ammo bill started S01038 , may have to register all guns to buy ammo if "they" think you are safe. Time to contact your Reps again!
  5. But they hunt all year day & night. How about the guy with the most kills, that must count for something.
  6. So, how many guys feel like they are trying to screw a football when trying to fold up your ground blind & put it in the carrying bag/container?? I took mine down & it was like wrestling with an alligator. The hubs don't fold or match up nothing goes where it belongs. Worked up a sweat & cursing & calling it every name in the book. If someone was watching they would have been laughing their ass off. I can't be the only one, come on tell the truth. lol
  7. I took bow hunting /archery class 30yrs. ago, why should I have to take another one to use a X-bow? Besides anti's say x-bows are more like guns, so does that mean every time I use a different cal. rifle or shot gun I need to take another gun hunting course?? WTH! I agree with Ohio, hunt with the weapon of your choice.
  8. FYI, Earth Spirits Archery is going to have a clearance sale starting on their bows & X-bows.
  9. Good old fashion wool pants & long johns. Plus keep your feet warm.
  10. I bought my X-bow from him. He does all the set up & they have a nice indoor range. Also lets you try out whatever you want.
  11. Earth Spirit Archery in Warsaw NY.
  12. They all suck, they are all crooks, & in the debates they are all about NYC. with very little mention of upstate & western NY. We need to get rid of NYC. & make another state!
  13. Culvercreek, how long do you cook the fish? I find when I cook it ,it loose it's flavor & is blah tasting. Thanks.
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