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Everything posted by deerpassion

  1. deerpassion


    being my first season up here in Western NY just moved here, typically what is the average wind to expect? Now I'm no dummy I get that the winds can come from any direction at any given time on any given day , but where is the wind mostly coming from during that time of year? In florida the average wind is to be expected to come out of the north / north east...
  2. oh he will be dark horned come october! there are some huge old rubs on some 5 ta 6 inch diameter cedar tree's just beyond this spot, most likely not made by this guy last year, but im still fishin for a pic of the big boy in there..this is the other guy i got the week prior 10 yds from there... attachment=12314:SUNP0024.JPG]
  3. got another decent public land swamp buck for the hit list.. and a bunch a doe's, so at worst i'll have some kinda meet for the freezer whether it has bone on its head or not...
  4. yes they are... found a nice little patch on state land that I put a cam on, should get some pretty nice pics outa there, old rubs n trails all over the place in there... certainly is encouraging... good luck
  5. that's crazy how fast he got back up n on the bike lol....
  6. I shot one like that 2 years ago down south in florida, real tall with a palmated side... that's a cool buck!
  7. oh maybe not, i see your on the other side of the state...
  8. where are you located... Im in Tonawanda outside of Buffalo... does it have the quick release breech plug and is it a 24 or 26 inch barrel? I might be interested for $150
  9. no one ever said anything about culling a buck... i simply meant that I WOULD SHOOT him... he's a nice deer, and if he walked under my stand I don't think I could keep the arrow on the string! and yes it is possible to cull bucks outa the heard to create more "potential" for the heard with one simple cohesive effort from the neighborhood to agree on some aspect of QDMA... so i agree in NY no, but it is possible...
  10. biggest 6 i've ever seen... for sure i'd weed him outa the gene pool
  11. i might try this next time i pull my card because I had a yearling doe infatuated with the cam, must have gotten 10 pics of her, BUT I couldn't see her response after the fact through just pics... Then again, this buck never even noticed the cam..
  12. also got a bunch a doe's n this yearling doe that was infatuated with the camera, must have gotten 20 or so pics of her, lol
  13. thanks man, just moved up from Florida for gradschool, so im glad i got somethin decent on cam on public land as opposed to little spikes n fork horns n messed up racks i see a lot of guys get up here( brown n down if ya know what i mean),
  14. try putting out some doe pee, or even buck urine on a tree in line with the cam.. i use bow hunters fatal obsession and it does a pretty good job stoppin long enough to get a solid pic while they stop to smell the roses... unfortunately the two pics i posted i ran out on that set, tough luck but at least i know he's there...
  15. ya the wildgame's are horrible at getting decent pics when there is any kind of movement, but hey for 35 bucks what more can ya ask for...
  16. well after some fine tuning on trail cam locations i finally got a decent shooter on cam... pretty decent for a public land swamp buck!! first is a little blurry, and the second he's almost outa frame, but you get the picture... can't see a left brow so im sayin he's a solid 7...
  17. definitley passer by'ers from private property, thats probly where they dissapear to come season when you get all the guys walking all over the public land...
  18. i agree. i have the M-111 30-06 with stock trigger on it, but they do offer the accutrigger job on it for x amount a dollars more, worth it, but if you have any amount of compitant shooting skills the regular trigger will do!!!! shoot same wholes at a 100 regularly with the stock trigger...
  19. i agree, have a savage M-111 30-06 and the thing is a tack driver!!!! set the scope once and with careful handling its been spot on ever since out to 200 yds....
  20. def a cat!!! big ass bobcat or mountain lion.... look a lot like panther tracks i grew up lookin at in florida swamp hunting... but ya'll don't have em up here, so maybe mountain lion, not sure where your at?
  21. haha, i feel like a baby sometimes wining about that.... can't wait...
  22. thats something im gonna have to get used to or at least have an open mind about, not used to having deer so close to houses n people... was up last week and saw a couple a does and a little buck in velvet right off 90 close to some houses and all i could see was a small wood lot that maybe they were bedding in .. im so used to driving out to WMA's where once you get in the gate, there is nothing but woods n swamp... so i usually get as far away from any kind of structure or hot spot for lazy hunters... be movin all my stuff up in a week n a half though n gonna start scoutin some..
  23. anyone watch midwest whitetail??? best stuff out there in my opinion.... been watching for three seasons now , and BIll winke preaches the fact that getting in ANS out undetected is of utmost importance... how else do you expect the deer to move naturally
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