Whats everyone using this year to kill em. I used a egg sack and small hook under a float and seemed to do the trick last year.
I'm hearing a lot of nice browns are getting caught as well.
Dogs are dogs. Domestic or not they will crossbread. And you make it sound easy for them yotes to just " eat " domestic dogs and thats not the case. They dont want to fight for their food most of the time they take smaller animals and easy meals. Yotes are a problem for smaller dogs that look like a easy kill.
If thats not a Yote and fox mix I would love to know what it is cause its dam sure not a domestic dog.
Looks like a mix of yote and fox. Yote looking the face and the tip end of the tail poofs out like a fox's. Has the red color of fox I would say. Hard to tell
Theres fish in the river I was up there for a few hours today. No hook ups, its not the thick run it will be in a week or two but the fly guys were doing alright.
IMO them trail cameras are trash. I had one before it got stolen. It worked ok but shut of randomly and scared the deer. I literally cant think of one picture I got that the deer wasn't looking right at the cam.
The best you can do is call primos and see what they tell you. If you see little bubbles in the display then I would assume water got into it.
Fishing on the salmon river was DEAD today sat around until almost 10am with not even a hook up. Lot of dead fish and the live ones are still in the mouth of the lake.
Sausage bread.. Bomb fires and cold beers. The same as my family has been doing for years.
Now if you shoot at a deer and miss. Everyone at camp gets to shoot you're hat lol.. Just a camp thing.