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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. For me is always the day before my hunting vacation! But I did find a new watch to buy while looking for a replacement leather band: https://www.chrono24.com/hublot/masterpiece-mp-05-laferrari-50-days-power-reserve-905nx0001rx--id4819701.htm I think its free shipping so not a bad price.
  2. Good looking truck. Get er muddy, it all washes off.
  3. Says the guy that bought a Lexus. lol
  4. The post is 2 years old. Hopefully its picking back up by now.
  5. Same buck that was supposedly hit in Brockport and it sucks that someone's phone number is posted.
  6. Big difference there. Even I could ride an ebike.
  7. https://backfireboardsusa.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1pC678XG5QIVkiV_Ch2YgQYKEAEYASAAEgJrc_D_BwE An all terrain electric skateboard? I would have to call the EMTs before I set out for my stand. Saw the ad on the forum and find it hard to believe many would want to offroad with a skateboard. Heck, I made the mistake of trying to show my daughter how to ride a skateboard in our nice flat driveway this summer. I quickly learned that it still hurts to fall on your a$$ and I am not 12 yrs old anymore.
  8. How many are really in the market for a shorter rise Tacks?
  9. I have butchered upwards of 40 deer over the last 8 seasons. I have never seen anyone as proficient and clean as Culver. Follow his guidance. He may have even convinced me to stop ripping everything out by hand when gutting - maybe. I certainly like how he debones the hind quarters while still hanging. Very neat job.
  10. To answer your question on high or low side - mornings I would want thermals to work for me with scent rising and be on the high side. Evenings low side as thermals drop. (That said you take a look globally at the topography of the property and the cover types - it may help you to assess where they moving). You should be able to tell from scouting whether the breaks in the wall encourage travel through them or whether the deer just jump the wall.
  11. Planned to try to get out later but 4:30 conference call killed that idea. Off Friday but not sure how much I can hunt in those heavy winds. You wind think they will be moving post Thursday storm, but up 50mph winds might just kill that idea. Hoping the wind is less than forecasted.
  12. It was actually a photo to torture the kids. And for the record, I paid for this one.
  13. It was a heck of a steak. No complaints about Ruth’s Chris but pricey for sure.
  14. I don’t always use binos in bow. It’s location dependent. And if I do, no interference because I range trees and markers ahead of time and put the RF away. The only time I remember ranging a live deer is when sitting in the blind.
  15. moog5050

    Warm gear

    Factory is sold out to of the 2019 3xl. Amazon usually has it. Enjoy.
  16. moog5050

    Warm gear

    They sell 3xl you just won’t find it in stores for the most part. Different pieces are cut different. I fit into the stratus jacket and bibs well in 3xl. I also use the fanatic hoodie and vest in 3xl. As I recall, the fanatic jacket did not fit (bibs did) so I went with the first lite version of the incinerator jacket (forget name at moment) - which is also ridiculously warm. . Most of the stuff is cut more athletic even in big sizes.
  17. moog5050

    Warm gear

    I know most think it’s crazy to spend big money on hunting clothes but I agree, the Sitka stratus and fanatic stuff keep me unbelievably warm and comfy. Money well spent.
  18. This is what I use. Works great. But doesn’t cover binos if you need that
  19. Checking in to see all the harvests. None yet today I guess. Off to Ruth’s Chris.
  20. I wish. Client meetings. Significant case for a large pharma company. I don't typically have to travel much, but when I do, it always seems to fall squarely in the better parts of hunting season. lol
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