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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Would make for a very boring rest of the season!
  2. I am surprised but it could be that the deer on mostly in other areas where there is ag available now. That said, Bob saw a nice 10 when we put the cage up so who knows. I just hope it grows enough to withstand pressure for a while.
  3. If I buy a PU again, I would probably buy another raptor but I do really like the AT4 GMC.
  4. You blind is just behind me and to the left Dave and that buck has shown two years in a row but only for 3-4 days in the last week of Oct.
  5. I appreciate the info regarding CWD. I know some states that have been hit with it had a decline but eventually came back. I have no idea how many hunt behind fences nor do I really care. If the sky falls and it comes to that being the only option in NY, I will find some other hobby.
  6. Really. Hmm, I usually wait 4-6 weeks. Maybe I will add some fertilizer labor day weekend.
  7. 3 weeks old and despite early drought plot is coming in nicely. Beans and brassicas. Happy with results. Now when to drop fertilizer? sure hope the fellow in top pic likes beans. Still around I believe.
  8. Poor guy. Well even with limited time I hope you connect. Lol nov 1-11 for me subject to some judge lacking understanding and over my objections scheduling something.
  9. So what is the prognosis for a deer with CWD - can it survive, how long, symptoms, that sort of thing. I really don't know much about it other than its not a good thing.
  10. I would wish him good luck, but I don't think he will need it!
  11. so is it dangerous to eat venison from a deer infected with either CWD or EHD? I have no idea but seem to recall CWD was similar to mad cow disease which can be problematic for humans.
  12. most lighted nocks weigh 2-3x what the regular nocks do so they can cause an arrow to act stiff (especially if your tune was close to stiff to start). You can always add some tip weight to offset (like moving from 100 to 125g heads). Of course the added weight may also require an adjustment to pins. Then you have to find similar weight nocks for practice. I never used them because it seemed like too much effort. But I can see the benefit of knowing how you hit the deer as some shots its tough to tell without a lighted nock. Good luck with them Dave. Sure make finding the arrow easier!
  13. And first two with a compound since 2018. I am ready for the charging hog.
  14. Haven’t been shooting much but it’s time. Not happy with two high and left. But I have plenty of time to groove things. Finally too that point with my longbow that I can stay relatively consistent even with extended time not shooting. But back to it.
  15. Yes, from behind knuckles should be 45 degrees and not parallel to grip. It rotates elbow out and gives clearance for forearm. It’s really a rotation.
  16. I have the TC encore prohunter. I only use it as a ML but they are very accurate. TC makes a good ML.
  17. I see you coordinated the wedding with my 50th birthday. Assume you are planning a joint celebration?
  18. Try turning your grip out (tuck pinky and ring fingers on outside of grip with knuckles at 45 degrees). Forces elbow out and no more string slap. I had the issue with trad bows for a while. It gets painful.
  19. well lets go donate some arrows - not like you have anything else going on. lol
  20. Open to anyone? Which church? That's pretty cool.
  21. Beauty for sure. Love the brows .... ok and the rest.
  22. The last 4 vehicles I purchased were black. I have to say, I am liking the white. Always looks clean unlike black which looks clean long enough to put away the drying towels from the wash.
  23. Definitely not the last Dave. You got plenty more in you!
  24. go crew crab. the ford has lots of room. Or you can consider a gladiator and go convertible in the summer since I am now on a jeep kick. lol
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