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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Surprised a savage is having issues. The break in is supposed to smooth out imperfections while also removing copper fouling in the process. Can’t hurt to clean well and start over. I will say my most accurate rifles had no break in but they also have the higher end barrels.
  2. I like the fact she is competitive so long as she maintains a good attitude. I am similar and with enough work I learned you can become better than average at anything even if not naturally gifted. Most wouldn’t believe it now but I wrestled at 145 my sophomore year. Lots of work to get big enough to play noseguard in college. One needs the drive and work ethic. Hopefully we harness that for Natalie while keeping it fun.
  3. Treeguy mentioned that the better the barrel, the less need for break in. I agree. My Sako was no break in and clover leafs at 100 if I am shooting well. My proof barrel shot a .4 moa group at 100 on my second 5 shot group with a thermal. I am with you Zeek. I just shoot and occasionally clean.
  4. That area was loaded with tracks. The pic of the group is only 50yds away. That is also where Grampy almost took a nice buck from the ground.
  5. We took the day to do some shooting with her new 22 and some ATV riding. No flinching. She did great. This is her final group at 50yds. She was not happy but I think it’s darn good for first time and farther than she has ever shot. And Deer were out everywhere. We must have seen 20 Deer or more. I think I will hunt with the ATV next year. They don’t go anywhere. Lol
  6. I must too old to hunt yotes that late. Lol
  7. Cannolis and donuts are two of favorite things. Together .... mmmmmmmmm
  8. My beliefs are generally considered evangelical Christian but I did kinda want a fish fry tonight. Wife made chili.
  9. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. Its a limitation on the government, not other parties in private contexts.
  10. There are quite a few on hunting beast that use rock climbing harnesses. Good place to ask. Most seem to prefer them. I am not sure why they would be any less safe for hunting than rock climbing since the risk of falling is the same if not worse in rock climbing.
  11. Only you can decide whether you will kick yourself if you go bow and scenario you mentioned occurs. If you will then take the 6.8. If you are going for more than 1 day you could start with bow and move to gun midway through trip. I did that when I went bear hunting.
  12. Did the same stupid stuff as a 20 something. At least now I waste money on necessities like overpriced guns and bows. Lol
  13. Worst hangover ever was after a night of drinking champagne (Dom) all night. A very expensive means to feel like crap!
  14. Looks great for her age is a fair statement
  15. Ok Eddie, hot might be a bit of an overstatement
  16. Oh that was NEVER requested. My mistake. lol
  17. Funny story. I was in a fraternity in college and refused to do the elephant walk thing. After pulling me aside and pleading I do it and me refusing, they didn't really know what to do and just gave up on demanding we do it. lol Good group of guys and fun to hang out with, but I wasn't taping my nose to anyone's butt period. I think we ate jalapenos instead.
  18. First episode of losers is really good
  19. The coin purses don't actually check the wind unless its hurricane level. But fill them with milkweed and you have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wind checking system!
  20. Been doing a lot of dryfire practice. Added some pellets and friendly comp with Natalie. 10 each. I had a high flier. Natalie was having a tough time getting comfortable. But always fun.
  21. Right of exit 46 of thruway. Doubletree inn in Henrietta. Join us Zeek. March 23 starts at 4pm.
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