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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. It was a funny morning. Brad saw him first and described him (with a few expletives included for passing him) but I didn't really understand until I walked up on him - FREAK. And I do think its a world class 4pt if there is such a thing. DEC wanted to age him so we may have some idea soon, but he certainly was not a youngster.
  2. https://tradtalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133399 Another smoking deal on optics. Meopta Meopro!
  3. I think Burt mentioned that the nuts were not in place
  4. Congrats Jerky! What a great place to propose!
  5. Had a turkey walk right through my front lawn this morning after the kids got on the bus. My wife thought it was quite amusing. I might try the big bus diesel call this season.
  6. Don’t need to. I only hunt them at night with a thermal. I just can’t seem to get them in the field even with rabbit in distress.
  7. I either hunt only deaf turkeys or am a -10 on the calling scale.
  8. I do have a very accurate 308 bolt. It definitely was not a needed gun and I was not happy with the builder.
  9. LOL - probably but I really want an AR10 if I get one. And that is a raffle only. I did get a ticket so maybe I will win but prior experience suggests I wont.
  10. As an aside, I may also consider an exchange for 223, 224 valk, 243 or 6.8 spc ammo of equal value if its ammo I use. Thanks
  11. So I just cancelled my order on the creedmoor since the builder added 3-4 months to the build. Annoyed me as the original estimate was 3-4 weeks 6 weeks ago. Taking it as a sign that I don't really need one right now. Which means the ammo I bought is useless to me. I have a case (10 boxes) of Hornady ELD-X 143g and 3 more boxes of misc. I planned to try. If someone is interested, shoot me a PM and we can figure out a reasonable discounted price. The ELD-X is reported to be very very accurate and good on game.
  12. I would recommend it. Had a bout last year and it was the worst headache ever for 3 weeks straight in addition to some minor rash on my head and around my eye. But the headache was by far the worst.
  13. You have quite a few nice scopes yourself there bugs. My new favorite is a Leupy vx6 hd 3-18x50. Eye box is soooo forgiving even at high mag and it has the CDS turret!
  14. And it has the long distance reticle with easy conversion for lower hash marks. But forgot I mentioned it.
  15. By the way, I love the G4 BDC reticle. I don't need a scope or I would pick one up. Eye box is also reported as excellent.
  16. Euro-optics is selling the vortex razor lh 2-10x40 for $499 right now. Its normally an 800-900 scope. Just an FYI for anyone interested. I recall when they clearanced all of their Zeiss Conquest for a deal and I picked up 2. A year later you could sell them used for more than they cost. They do it when a model is being discontinued. Reviews on this scope are excellent.
  17. moog5050

    Holy Crap!!!

    Looks great Moho. Congrats
  18. Assume you are cutting the arrows to 28” or thereabouts? And are you using 125 or 100g heads? I would think 340-350 spine is a better match. But that alone may not be the issue with bad arrow flight.
  19. Dan If I didn't want to be thrown off this site, I might call you an old little person that partners with Euchre renegers and who killed all the deer in Mendon that has no business joking about others. But I will bite my tongue in an effort to avoid personal attacks and maintain privileges. Happy Monday my friend.
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