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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Cool pic of the fawn feeding. Was out Sat and ran into several deer, including a group of triplets with mom. The triplets got confused and ran straight at us. One to the left at 5 yds, one to the right at 5yds and the third one stopped 5 yds in front of us unsure of what to do. They finally turned back around and left with mom who waited for them. It was comical.
  2. At what point does one wake up and think to themselves, what the heck did I do? Did I really need attention this badly?
  3. Its a versatile gun and very accurate. I bought it for yotes, but it shoots 100g great for deer too. The accustock is nice too.
  4. That stinks! Sorry hear of the troubles.
  5. It was nice to see him go so high in the draft yesterday. His aunt is my assistant (for 10 years now) and I have met his grandparents. A very nice family so its good to see him succeed. NBA draft is crazy. Unlike the NFL, its very unpredictable. I saw him rated as high as 3 and as low as 13.
  6. Cost me $225 in parts to replace this crap. Unbelievable. Robbed by some guy on the street and then Ford. The double whammy!
  7. Sorry for the confusion. It was me in my bear suit. Still tracking that rascal and wanted a bit of an edge in getting a shot off if I catch him.
  8. That looks pretty good if I can find one in good condition. Its no really lawn I have to cut. More along the lines of overgrown pastures. But I will only be cutting outside of fences to road and then trails we use for hunting. Any thoughts on newholland? They seem to be lower than most in price.
  9. Thanks Philo and understood. This property does require yard fine mowing. Just keeping the natural grass and weeds down in certain areas. Those are good examples from Airedale.
  10. I am coming out to bear hunt. If you smell burnt honey, its not lunch!
  11. I agree this would be a great option, but I don't want to go over 4k. Thought someone may have an idea for a combo mower and plotting machine.
  12. No residential mowing. Just maintaining pasture and fields. My preference is to also have the ability to add an attachment for plotting, be is a disc or tiller. I don't want to go over 4k for the tractor itself though. If I buy one that works with an attachment, I will pay for the attachment.
  13. I am not tied to a zero turn but a mower with the option for me to buy a disc or more for plots would be cool. Once its there, the lawn cutting should be easy if I stay up on it.
  14. I have been tracking this one all the way from Quebec for weeks now. We are both exhausted!
  15. So the woman who gives me permission to hunt her land has told me to pick out a mower to help with maintaining it. She is going to buy it and I will be cutting. Recommendations for a mower under $4k. Zero turn with a decent cutting width would be nice. Something I could also use to disc with would be even nicer but not sure that's possible. lol Something tough is key as I don't want to spend time repairing it. Mostly will be used for high grass and cutting trails. We use my buddy's zero turn now but his was a $10,000 machine.
  16. Letting them cool a bit helps but that cheese is dangerous.
  17. You guys made me hungry for some molten lava dogs.
  18. You may be right. In 5 years I have never opened it. I hope I don't have to rekey anything.
  19. Yep, I hear that is becoming common in Rochester too.
  20. Nope not Led. The light is still there, just hanging. They only took the light housing and plug that covers the hole to drop the spare.
  21. You can just twist and pop them off. I think they are the same as an F150. No major deal just a sad statement on society.
  22. AS long as it was you, all is good Larry. Enjoy the free parts. I can certainly understand wanting just some small piece of the sissy truck. Kind makes your car the sissy Subaru! In the last week I have basically been to work, home and at a church retreat. Not your typical areas loaded with thieves.
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