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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Listen to shoots100 but I would skip the prey in distress if you want yotes vs Fox. You know they are there. Piss em off with challenges and then move to pups in distress if needed. And yes keep that light on and in their eyes when you see em.
  2. Just went out with another member 2 nights ago. We saw 3. It was tough getting them to commit. I did shoot and miss one at about 200yds . The others were further our. Since you know they are around, I would focus on challenge calls. Pup calls aren’t a bad idea either but we really needed to piss em off. Scanning always is critical. Good luck.
  3. I would also check dates. Obviously, you want the most action for your money. Grampy's assessment of the deer sounds very similar to here.
  4. To this day, the most exciting hunt I ever had was a stalk and kill on a doe with my little bear kodiak magnum. I am not sure if the doe or I was more surprised that it worked. lol Bow wins hands down. And I do take more satisfaction in the trad bow kills only because I know how easily those shots can go wrong. But I still enjoy hunting with a compound or even with a gun.
  5. Its a field. They may not be feeding there yet. I just guessed because I had two new nice bucks only minutes apart this morning. I doubt they are seeking does already. But I guess there is movement when they start getting territorial.
  6. I am charging the thermals for the first hunt of 2021 tonight. Someone talked me into it. Darn you Andrew.
  7. Had a few new bucks this morning on cam. Thinking they may be starting to feed in the winter wheat. Killable just before 7am. But I am going to wait it out a bit more before diving in.
  8. I can say honestly I have never moved a stand only to wish I left it because I could have killed the buck at the prior location. As far as sitting the wrong stand, I have definitely played whack a mole unsuccessfully for parts of a season. That’s hunting. You should do whatever gives you the most confidence in your set. Good luck!
  9. Grampy How dare you allow facts to interfere with hyperbole that supports their agenda.
  10. At your height, I imagine you only need to pull your feet up and reset 3-4 times to hit 20'. lol
  11. In fairness, its not the typical 40 acres. Mix of hardwoods, wetland and field edges so plenty of transition lines and cover. Not like an open 40 acres at all. Hunts much bigger.
  12. I only have 40 acres with probably 20 plus stands, but still not scared to try to put myself in the right position if I need to make a move. I would be more frustrated watching a buck pass me out of range if knew that I could have moved but didn't. But to each his own. I don't find moving a ladder stand too difficult or frankly noisy either.
  13. I moved a stand 15yrds last year and sat it immediately. Almost killed the 9 I was chasing that day too but he came in as I was walking to the truck (based on cell). He still came through a few more times after the move, but when I was not hunting. I would roll the dice even on a single parcel and will do so this year if a move is warranted.
  14. I would not hesitate to move a ladder stand midseason and hunt it that day. Did it last year and killed a PY the next day. I had another stand within 50 yards but it would not have worked to kill that deer. I really think we tend to get way to conservative about spooking deer. Be loud and not sneaky when doing it too. Just my experience.
  15. From my prison days - crush grapes put in bag, add a piece of bread, put in toilet - wait 20 days and enjoy some homemade maddog 2020
  16. Your mom sounds like an amazing person. You were blessed to be raised by her. I am sorry for your loss and pray for your peace in this difficult time.
  17. and with that post I just achieved the rank of apprentice. Things are looking up. Sky is the limit!
  18. I like it .... new beginnings for everyone. I bet FSW is now a meat hunter and wolc pefers antlers (and weighing his deer).
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