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Everything posted by bluecoupe

  1. Looks like a ton of them are guests though. I guess you don't have to be reg'd or logged on to read/use the forums.
  2. Still got your heart pumpin' though didn't it?
  3. Wasn't quite sure where to put this (be nice.... ) so I just stuck it here. The DEC has apps that work with Google Earth to interactively show fishing lakes, streams, DEC lands, etc. I zipped them up and put them here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/u3wonaiqq636x13/DEC_Google_Earth_Apps.zip Just download them and unzip the file and you should have 6 files with a .kmz filetype The names are fairly straight forward, just click on one and it should start GE with the appropriate map.
  4. My wife told didn't she? Honest though - that'd be a hoot if you could get video of it. We live in a development and our back yard is fenced with 6' on 3 sides with 4' that you can see through for small sections by the house. Went to go out and grill and saw a doe and fawn in the back yard. I never thought to go back in and get the camera. I watched 'em for a few minutes from inside our 3 season porch and then went out the back door. The doe tried to go 90 directions at the same time. She finally took off and actually jumped the 6' side that you can't see over or through. She made it no problem. The fawn was a bit tentative and made it but I'm sure it had sore back knees for a while. I'd always heard they wouldn't jump something they couldn't see through. Wrong. I would of loved to of had a video of it though.
  5. I think it is area dependent. So far at least but everything else is expanding their ranges so I wouldn't be surprised to hear ticks do too. We had a place in Stratford NY and never had any issues with ticks up there but I still used the Sawyers. I'm originally from NW PA and my family over there says they have no tick issues. I just figure, better safe than sorry for the sake of a few bucks.
  6. No different than when they aren't shot. You never know what they'll do until they do it. And most times they'll leave you shaking your head. Just like women - forget trying to figure them out. Edit: My apologies to the Ladies, but you know it's true.
  7. Absolutely. They're never gonna get rich from it, only satisfaction.
  8. Congratulations to the OP on a nice deer! And calling in the experts to help retrieve it. Deer Search services are free. While donations are not expected or mandatory, they are certainly appreciated. Some of these guys will travel 100 miles or more to help find downed game. Please remember their dedication when using their services. Just training the dogs in itself is a huge undertaking plus all of the time the volunteers donate at all hours of the day and night. All donations are tax deductable.
  9. Good luck with it. The air drying step is important - don't skimp on it. The oven should work although I never tried it. If I were going to try it, I'd set the oven on the absolute lowest setting it'd go and hang the meat strips on some sort of rack setup. My cold smoker ran around 100dF if I recall correctly. I used it so much it needed to be "retired" You may like it more/less spicy, more/less sweet, etc. Ain't no rules in cookin'. Well, very few anyhow. ;-) Report back on your opinion, good bad, changes whatever.
  10. I checked the directions and they tell you to put it on and let it totally dry before wearing so I don't see any issue. I spray mine outside a week or so before using. But I wouldn't hesitate to do it a day ahead if need be.
  11. Doesn't to me, but honestly? I don't really gaf.... I don't want ticks and the possibility of lyme. I like venison but not that much. Edit: it's a natural insecticide made from certain species of the chrysanthemum
  12. Don't forget to spray your boots, especially around the tops and even on the insides as well.
  13. Everywhere but especially in areas that tend to be warm and moist. Arm pits, "upper thighs" etc. Really though check everywhere. Tucking pants and shirt in, etc will help but trust me, use the stuff I posted the link on. Spray clothes everywhere as directed but pay special attention around collars, pant legs, cuffs, etc. Also bear in mind that there are multiple kinds of ticks. It's the tiny little deer ticks that are the bad ones.
  14. Yeah, they're brutal this year. Yes, by all means go to the sawbones and good luck! I swear by this stuff. http://www.sawyer.com/tech-bugs1.html
  15. Those freekin' stink bugs are everywhere it seems. I know it's futile but I bought a gallon of Raid Bug Barrier and spray it on every one of those ********s that I see on the house. It doesn't kill them immediately but they do die afterward. It seems to also stay on the house and continue to work. Doesn't kill 'em all but anything's better than nothing as far as I'm concerned. I have found a few inside of our three season porch. I just grab a piece of TP and flush 'em. I *think* I read somewhere that the praying mantis was their one known natural enemy and this summer, low and behold I saw the first PM I'd ever seen in Dutchess County.
  16. If you aren't a fan of masks (I'm not for reasons already stated) you don't have to buy anything. All you really need is something to take the shine off and break up the lines of your face. Burnt cork, charcoal, just plain dirt. Pretty much anything that "dulls" the face and breaks up the outline and you're good to go.
  17. From the looks of it, being legible isn't a requirement, but I'll play fair... Originally from NW PA - Steelers fan since the late 50's
  18. Well, I was wondering if the after school program may of been drivers ed or something.
  19. So I suppose you've all heard the brew-haha over the Redskins name. But they're having a bit of a time coming up with a new one. They were given a goal of coming up with one less offensive. So, after much deliberation, they delivered a proposal to drop the offensive portion of their name and change from the Washington Redskins and just call themselves the Redskins. Well that didn't sit well with Obama so they were told to go back and find something that wouldn't offend the President. This is their latest proposal and they feel confident that the President won't be offended, but will feel right at ease.
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