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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Here's the buck I was helping track last night ,we called off the search once he got to a water filled ditch . A couple buddies went back first thing in the morning and got right back on the trail. He made it to the open field and circled back to where he was shot . We had treeguy on speaker phone while we were getting a plan together. He put us in touch with a guy went over the shot scenario with my buddy. I didn't tell him I was gonna or ask to post pictures so I'm gonna cover his face up .
  2. I'll use that line when i tag a doe with my regular season tag . "This deer identifies as a male sir"
  3. I'm actually not sure the exact name of the road ,I've been coming out here for almost 15 years too. It might be old 17 ? It runs parralel to the expressway.
  4. Saw 2 doe all day ,one walking up the hill swiftly and bleeting, another one just out for a stroll. Neither had any bucks following.
  5. Just ordered a giant sub from Miller and brands in Cuba.
  6. I've had a thought all week of how and where i would hunt this weekend , check the weather and the wind is the complete opposite of what i planned for . Hmmmm, my whole ride down will be consumed with this dilemma.
  7. Did you open a gentleman's club in the woods? Could almost be a party LOL.
  8. All my girls are already out on delivery ,some guy named Pygmy ,thought that was ironic.
  9. Thats where ill be today once i get down there . Gonna hunt a blind we made for my dad.
  10. LOL, i thought you meant the ones they were on when they play video games . Ya ,the pharma companies arnt helping any ,they never get any of the blame either.
  11. I am very positive that these "drugs" you speak of is marijuana. Nancy Reagan called ,she wants her stance on weed back.
  12. Well then shitty parents should be taxed or fined heavily for every delinquent they produce.
  13. Maybe the problem is the nut job and not the weapon. I'm fine with the people owning what ever gun they want just like I'm fine with a store choosing not to sell what ever they want . Only a hypocrite would say they have the right to buy any gun they want but a store doesn't have the right to sell what they choose. I agree the exit from AR platform guns was lame .
  14. That sucks dude , good luck sleeping tonight . Nothing like an entire night of playing a shot through your head over and over again.
  15. My buddy was in there doing some work for them and sent me a bunch of pictures (probably a big no no) I never tried to figure out if i was looking at the next model of bow or just a normal production run.
  16. Sunday morning !! I keep looking at the weather and seeing the BP skyrocket at day break.
  17. Last time i was in Doc's shooting ,he had a bunch hanging from the ceiling . EDIT: Not sure what models he had.
  18. You're wrong about them not caring if sportsman boycott license sales. If there was a state wide boycott it would make WORLD news . Andy could kiss his hopes of being president good bye after that. Boycotting dicks is a very convenient way of "showing them who's boss" no skin off your teeth ,just go next door and buy it. Like i said before ,when it came time to actually do something to send a message ,everyone couldn't be bothered . Hell,they couldn't even be bothered to show up and vote against Coumo.
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