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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Please don't tell me there is mad dog 50/50 , i just got my eye sight back from all the mad dog 20/20 we drank in high school.
  2. It wasn't that bad in high school .i could eat anything and it didn't effect the quality of my gut function or weight. It was a nice little gig for showing up to a party after people were already drinking . One of my buddies would order a big foot pizza and not pick it up , more then likely the boss would let me have it when my shift was done .
  3. Scouts,cheerleaders,sports teams do the same thing .
  4. Made pizza at pizza hut in high school , that really sucked.
  5. I always check this thread from the bottom and go up and guess whos post it is ,those Brussel sprouts gave it away.
  6. Love it !!! You gonna do glass or no glass ?
  7. Tim Kennedy and Joe Rogan were just talking about this very subject last week . It's a touchy subject when you start talking distance shooting . Some guys take pride in being able to close the distance and some guys just wanna post up and pull the trigger . I like the idea of closing the distance but can also understand when hunting up north or out west when long distance shots are the normal. I don't see the need to shoot long distance in NY at a deer , with minimal work ,one could easily be within 200 yards of a whitetail .
  8. Where exactly do they get their money from?
  9. I would highly recommend trying out that thordson stock ,I absolutely hated it .
  10. Hope it' a great one ,happy birthday!!
  11. I just realized the beer thread is about to pass the what's for dinner thread, what do you guys have to say for yourself?
  12. I totally pictured you snuggled up on the couch with a hand made afgan blanket and some warm tea on this gloomy rainy day ,slightly teared up with joy for the fresh new couple.
  13. I never understood the fascination with that family . How little brain activity does one need to find that stuff stimulating ?
  14. Just noticed the name on the menu underneath
  15. Where's that from ? I'm always looking for a new fish fry place to try.
  16. Is it always the same member name? If we block the member name will it not show the topics?
  17. She aint pregnant , i decided if i was gonna stay home ,i would cook myself something yummy for breakfast . I left the bedroom door open and got her yelling my name and telling me i was letting the smell in . I havent had a migraine in a long time but i do remember that strong smells will send you for the porcelain throne faster then all get out . I did enjoy a couple venison burgers with jalepenos , fried egg on top with half an avocado though.
  18. I'll be following along today , woke up and found the wife passed out on the bathroom floor , apparently she's had a migraine all night and was sick a few times . Had to call in to work today so she doesnt have to watch our son in her condition .
  19. That seems to be the big debate , if no one is around ...
  20. Orrrr... to lure people in to their woods , not that there is anything wrong with that...
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